Whever You May Go:Chapter Twenty Six

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Dianne's pov
Los Angles , California
We all step off the plane me and Joe hand in hand and big smile,s on our faces .
We head to our villa . We were spending two weeks in LA before heading over to Australia where I the lads were staying for a week before they all had to go home. I was scared but excited.
We all get ready and begin to wonder around . We took many pictures and had lots of fun
The Next day
I sat by the pool watching the sun rise. I was thinking about Joe and I . What's going to happen when we say goodbye. I might never see him again . I sigh and then I feel someone sitting beside me
I tune my head slightly to see Joe
"You Okay Sugg" I say
"Yeah I'm just scared " Joe says
"What you scared of" I say
"You leaving . Dianne I don't want to lose you and I'm scared I'll never see you again " Joe says
"I promise you wherever we both go we will always find each other. No matter what it takes " I say
"Where ever you may go I will always find you Dianne ." joe says
Later on
We sat around the dining table laughing and joking asking each other random question .
"Okay so Dianne how old where you when you lost your virginity " Conor ask
"Seventeen " I say
"And Joe how old were you " Josh says
"No comment . I'm joking I was seventeen " Joe says
The lads smirked at us
"Alright you lot and do one . I'm getting another drink " I say getting another beer.
I hear rainbow connections begin to play and I smile
I sit by Joe and snuggle up to him. We both sing the words loudly and the lads join in .
"Right what we toasting to " Conor says
"Dianne " Joe says reading his beer in the air
I smile
"To Dianne everyone " Conor says
We all cheers our drinks and drink them
We then play a stupid drinking game and all get hammered
Joe takes me to bed as he isn't as drunk as everyone else
"I love you soo much Joe Alright " I say as he tuck me into to bed
"I know you do Dianne you've told me seven times on the way to our room " Joe laughs
"Just though I'd tell you again " I say as Joe gets into bed
"I love you to Dianne " Joe says snuggling up to me
I smile
I'm going to miss joe more than he know

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