Know You:Chapter Five

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Dianne's pov
Sugg house
I wake up with Joe beside me . He's fast asleep . I mean we kissed last night. I don't really know how I should feel. Joe and have known each other five days even less than that. I can't seriously be in love. I barley know him yet he's done so much for me. I hear Joe begin to mutter and grunt. I smile and close my eyes to see asleep. He readjusts his position but now I can feel his breaths on my neck and his grips is a little tighter. I pretend to wake up and wriggle about a bit
"Hey"Joe says
"Morning Mr Sugg" I say with a smile
I turn to face him with out faces very close
I kisses his lips much to my surprise he kisses me back .
We pull away and I see his cheeks a little pink.
"Remember me and Zoe are going out today but I'll find sometime this afternoon so we can have that coffee" I said
"Kay then. I'm going to see what mums cooking for breakfast so get ready in here and then just come downstairs when you want " Joe said with a smile
Except he didn't get up we just laid in bed for a couple of minutes.
Joe then got up and waved goodbye and shut the door. I smiled and got changed into one of my baggy t shirts and some leggings . I brushed my hair and then walked downstairs.
"That was fast "Joe says sitting down
"Okay some girls may take forever but I don't " I say with a smile
I sit beside Joe and I begin to chat with Joe's family.
We finish our pancakes and I get my shoes and jacket and me and head out.
We get to the shopping centre and begin to chat
"You and my brother were very flirty today " Zoe says with a smile
"We kissed last night and then again this morning " I said with a smile
"Do tell" Zoe said with a smirk.
"It was like three kisses. They meant something to me but I don't know if they meant anything to Joe" I say
"Fun fact of the day about Joe Sugg. He tells me everything and he's never kissed a girl up until now" Zoe says
"Really " I said
We arrive back at the house . We and Zoe walk in with all the bags in the world .
I heard Joe walking downstairs .
"Hey Dianne,Zoe" Joe says hugging me
"Can I have help with these " I say putting them down
Joe puts them on the table 
"I thought the boys were coming round for a bit " Zoe says
"Yeah there leaving in 15. Me and Dianne are going for a coffee" Joe says
"We are Indeed. Right I'm going to head home and sort through this all." I say
"Oh and Dad and Uncle Garry have started work on the roof it should be finished by Tuesday " Joe says
"Great" I say.
Then I see two lads appearing the doorway .
"Joe are you finished yapping " Jack says
"I'll be up in a minute " Joe says .
"Okay then" Jack says running back upstairs
"Where's mum" Zoe asks.
"She's out buying so things for uncle Gary and Dad. Dianne there thatching your roof " Joe explains
"What does that mean is it like the straw ones like yours " I say .
"Yeah it is " Joe says
"Right you go have fun I'll see you at 2:30" Dianne says
"See you then red " Joe says going upstairs
Me and Zoe put my bags in her car and drive to my house.
I get a knock on the door and Zoe answers it . I get my jacket and my newly purchased phone and I head to the door.
I hug Joe and we say goodbye to Zoe .
We walk into town and into a coffee shop .
Everyone knew me in this coffee shop because of my Gran and my parents .
"Hiya Dianne what can I get you " Mille said
"Can I have the usual and Joe what do you want " I say
"I'll have a regular coffee please "Joe responds
"Two regular coffees please " I say with a smile
"To go or to stay " I say as Joe hands me the money.
"Joe its a fiver let's split "I say
"This is all on me "Joe says
I take the money and hand it to Millie she hands me two cups of coffee and we go find a table
"So Miss Buswell How long you been dancing for " Joe asks
"Since I was 2 in ballet but when I was 4 I took up ballroom dancing and when I was six I took up Latin " I say
"Good to know I'm in safe hands"Joe says with a smile
"So what do you like to do Mr Sugg" I say
"I play video games, I make YouTube videos with my sister and I'm becoming an apprentice roof thatcher " Joe says
So me and Joe have been talking a long time. I mean we talked until the coffee shop shut at 6 and we're still talking now. I made Garry, Graham ,Joe and Zoe a cup of tea . Before they had to leave .
I hugged Joe goodbye

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