A Star Is Born:Chapter Twenty Five

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Joe's pov
At Home
Dianne's at dance today and with all my exams being over I don't have to go into school .
"Joe can you help me focus this camera " Zoe says
"Yeah sure" I getting of my bed am walking into Zoe's room
"I'm guessing you heard all the yelling last night " I say
"Actually Alfie came and picked me up " Zoe replies
"I had Dianne with me . She's offered for us to come and live with her for a while " I say
"She doesn't mind does she " Zoe says
"She told me it was her way of repaying us for all we done for her " I say
"Joe your very very lucky " Zoe says sitting in her bed
"I know" I say walking to the door
I walk back into my bedroom and grab my laptop and go onto YouTube
Let's give this thing ago.
The Next Day
Dianne's house
11 am
I walk downstairs after me and Dianne had been cleaning the house . I come u0 behind her and wrap my arms around her wait
" what you up to " I say
"Shopping " Dianne says
"The most stereotypical 'girl thing 'you've ever said " I reply
"Also I see I'm in the presence of the newest YouTube sensation " Dianne teases
I look at her confused
"You got 5k in one day ." Dianne says
"Wait what " I say as Dianne hands me her phone
I scroll through the comments
Dianne smiles
"Well looks like I'll have to film another after I spend time with my beautiful girlfriend " I say kissing her
"And your mates. I invited them over "Dianne says walking over to the door .
I hand her phone back to her and she opens the door
"Hiya lads ." Dianne says they walk in and we all sit in the floor
"Why did we still sit on the floor " Josh asks
"Because this is our new religion . We don't believe in chairs " I say
"Alright Joesus" Dianne jokes (don't even ask how long it took me to figure out how the hell to spell that)
We all burst out laughing
"Dianne, those jokes are going to be missed" I say
Shit I forgot the boys didn't know
"Where you going Dianne " Jack ask
"I got offered a dance scholarship in Australia and I've taken it . I'm going back home in September " Dianne says
"Congrats Dianne " Caspar says
"I'm going to miss you guys so much " Dianne says
"And we'll miss you more than you know " I say wrapping my arm around Dianne
"I'll miss you all to " Dianne says
"How about we all go on Holiday to Australia and around the world before Dianne's scholarship starts and school starts back up" Byron suggests
"I think that's one amazing idea " I say
"I agree" Dianne says
"Well then it's settled . We'll figure this all out tomorrow let's have a drink and call it a night " Josh says
"I can Hi,do you tit hat Josh . Who's having one " Dianne says getting up.
I'm going to miss this girl so fricken much

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