How Much I Love You

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Kirishima Pov
How could I have been so stupid?

I should've just Taken her earlier!

I tangled my hands in my hair as I stood in the shower getting mad.

Just ealier that day I'd watched her and Sero getting lovey dovey. Why did Sero asked her out before I could even touch her. I know more about her than he ever would.

I know her favorite color, favorite stores to go to, favorite food, favorite clothing brand, EVERYTHING!

"Maybe I should just eliminate him. I've done it multiple times....why would this one be any different. Hes just another obstacle is the way of our love.~" I said to myself stepping out of the shower and looking in the mirror.

"Its okay love he won't mess with your mind ever long as I'm here."

"He'll never understand how much I love her."


"Sero STOP!!!"

I laughed as Sero threw multiple snow balls at me in the park. It was our first date as an official couple.

"I'm gonna get you (Y/N)!" Sero saud stepping out from behind a rock and throwing more at me. Me being quirkless doesn't help either.

"Awe now I'm Cold!" I said complaining as snow clinged onto me. "Tape Daddy go get my jacket!" Sero's face went red completely.

"Ahh! Don't call me that! And fine ill go."

"Thanks! I'll be sitting on this BENCH!" I parked on the bench as I fondled with some snow. Watching as it crumpled beneath my fingers.



I got up quickly seeing the snow beneath me turn into a deep deep red color. I started to assume the worst.

As I walked behind the tree where I left my jacket hanging. I gasped!


His body layed in a pool of his own blood. He was barely breathing. I felt tears pour down my face.

I fell to my knees and touched his head. He had a terrible blow to his temple.

"(Y/N)...Please, Run. I love you~" Sero took my hand and kissed it. "By the way you look beautiful-"

A foot crashed onto his head crushing his skull. I whipped my head to turn around and see a face I knew due to the news.

"R-Red Ri-ot. Please help him. P-l-Please help him."

He had a blank look on his face. The ends of his mouth curled up into a grin. "You've always been so nice towards the weak. The defenseless."

"What are you talking about..."

He wrapped his hands around my neck.I looked down and saw a towel. I smelled it and quickly started to feel nauseated. I started to struggle in his hard grip.

"Shhh Shhh. No need to struggle we are going to our home."

Soon I passed out and fell into the arms of the supposed hero.

6 Hours Later

" Of course she'll love me. Why wouldn't she. Ill give her everything!"

Opened my eyes to hear yelling. It was like he was agruging with somebody. But who could tell anymore.

"Ah Sweet Heart Your Awake." I Flinched as the nickname he gave me.

"L-Listen I'm sure that you have me mixed up with another g-girl." I stuttered out as I felt his fingers tangle themselves with in my hair.

"I don't." He said bluntly. "Your hair smells really good up close."

"T-Thank You...Listen I really don't know you Red Riot sir but I need to get-"

"Oh how could I have been so rude. Very Unmanly of me." He pulled out a chair and sat down in front of me.

"Okay so my name is Kirishima. I won't tell you my last name until I feel as if. I've been watching you for a good 5 months now and I like what I see. So now I want you to be my everything! My wife. Soulmate. Lover-"

"Please I just wanna go home. Wait. Where is Ser-" He Stood up abruptly as his chair slammed to the ground shattering into millions of wooden peices.


I felt my eyes start to water as tiny waterfalls started to cascade down my cheeks. I wasn't one to take being yelled at calmly.

"O-Oh I'm sorry. I'm So so so Sorry. I didn't mean for you to cry. I just got mad that's all. Please stop crying." Kirishima said using his thumbs to wipe away the freshly fallen tears.

"W-W-What are you going to d-do to me..." I asked. He seemed unstable at this point. Maybe I can convince him to let me go...

"What else Sweetheart. I'm going to give you my love and adoration." I felt him hug me as I shook in the chair trying to pry him away. He kept on kissing my cheek and rubbing his own against mine. "Can I get kiss?~"

I started to viciously shake my head. I didn't want to randomly kiss a guy I barely knew. Kirishima Grabbed my jaw painfully. And turned my head towards his direction.

Then placed his lips onto mine.

It was gentle and completely harmless. He was really intent on keeping me safe.

"Baby you have no idea on how much I love you..."

Love~ (Yandere Bnha! x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now