Ink sans X Reader~ valentines day~ Fluff

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This is early because I like writing romance sadly this is a fluffy if you want you can request a part two. Not requested.

Your POV (fuck it your used to it)

I was heading heading back to the doodle spear bored as fuck and exhausted because blueberry. Of course ink was exhausted too. He even pass out onto the floor making me laugh. I then almost fell over so I laid down on his back and fell asleep.

--tim skip because I have writer's block so R.I.P--

I woke up to see I was laying on my back alone I blushed and sat up. 'How did he move so swiftly without waking me up' I thought and stood up. Walking around I walk to the couch see ink drawing. I smirked as I got an Idea . I reached over his shoulders and took the pen out of his hand. Once I did I  Added some details  and  jumped over the couch into his lap. " you left me on the floor."  I Said taking his sketch book blushing at what it was. "Happy valentine's day." He said  causing me to blush.

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