Chapter 1

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It was safest to stay in my room, to ignore what was happening beyond the walls and doors. Safe; like I knew what that was. I cringed as footsteps resonated through my hallways, coming closer to my door. It opened and my uncle towered over me as I sat cross-legged at the head of my torn and stained bed, one hand sitting in my lap and the other handcuffed to the iron rail of the bed frame.

His eyes- eyes that never held any type of kindness- appraised my obedient behavior.

"Hello Uncle," I fearfully and quietly said.

A spark ignited in his blue eyes and I automatically knew that I had done the wrong thing. "Stay silent, we don't need any comments from you."

The way he said "you" indicated that I was scum, the dirt that he walked on. I was nothing. I dropped my head and quickly blinked the tears away. He slowly approached the side of the bed and unlocked the cuffs.

Zachary Thomas was a ruthless, cruel, and unforgiving man. If I did something he considered wrong or inadequate- which was everything- I was punished and criticized. There was nothing that I could do to make it up, once the deed was done, it was done. My punishments always varied... the most common was the worst though, it was a combination of the most painful things.

"Be quick, you've got school." I blinked as the metal released its death grip on my skinny and bruised wrist and obeyed immediately.

My uncle yanked me by my hair and pulled me closer to him, "what are you doing?" He demanded in a dark voice, growling as I tried to pull away. "On your knees..."

My eyes widened and I whimpered, tears quickly filling my eyes as I begged him. "Please.. Uncle don't make me do this now..." I tried to stop crying but I was too afraid of the pain I knew was coming.

"On your fucking knees..." but I didn't move quickly enough, "don't even think-" he stopped and pushed me roughly on to the bed- " that you can get away so fucking easily." His snarl was savage and I sobbed as he ripped the clothes from my body. " Get on your stomach. Now, you fucking whore!"

I sniffled and obeyed immediately, not fighting him as he cuffed my hands to the lower part of the iron frame. I knew what was coming... but I couldn't help but shriek when I felt his belt strike my bare back with a loud crack. He yanked my head back by my hair, I was barely able to hold in my sob.

"When you get to school, you will speak to no one... Got that Allie?" His voice was a deep and husky growl, unnerving me and making me question if the few hits I had gotten was my punishment.

He slammed into me, burying himself deep inside me, making me scream in pain and sob, begging him to stop.

He never stopped. He didn't halt his searing thrusting until he was satisfied. He shuddered and emptied himself into me, biting deep into my shoulder. He caressed my blistered and bleeding back, showing a small bit of non lasting tenderness.

"Not a word; understood?" He demanded lightly, still sitting within me. I nodded, unable to speak, biting my lip until it bled. "Good, hurry up and take a shower. We have to leave soon..." he pulled out and away from me quickly and unlocked the handcuffs, leaving just as quickly as he came. I laid there, trembling and bleeding, staring at the door for a few more minutes. Just waiting for him to come back.

He didn't. I weakly scrambled to my feet and ran into the dingy bathroom.

The shower brought more tears to my eyes as the water ran across my back, but the tears blended in with the hot water. The blood didn't stop seeping from the wounds but became less visible as the water diluted it .

There was a pounding on the locked door making me jump.

"Allie hurry up!!" My uncle demanded as he twisted on the doorknob.

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