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Connor is a deviant. He has been for four years now, and to this day isn't always sure who he is. Often he thinks about the horrible things he did while under the control of CyberLife. The monstrosity he was, how blind, how lost. Though even now he finds himself wondering if he ever changed. 

Is he different now? Has he really changed? These questions raced through his head like wildfire every day. Even with his father and best friends claiming that he isn't the Connor once being manipulate do by a puppet. Despite the logical reasoning, he couldn't control the dark side of his mind. 

However, right now, a different array of questions flooded his mind. Such as, "what am I doing?" and "what the fuck am I doing???" 

An android that happened to be the same model of one of his friends slung over his back. The skin missing from his body, revealing the white undertone. He had gashes acrossed his face and covering his arms, obviously mistreated and damaged. Bullet wounds lined his limbs with one in his chest. The shut down had been invoulentary, and happened when his people were being locked into gas chambers. As history repeated itself. 

Connor had came across this android on his mundane walk. He had decided to go a different route, one that went though one of the old concentration camps. Which has since had many different complexes built over it, targeted towards giving androids a place to live. It was beautiful, in a historical sense. 

Being the middle of Winter in Detroit, there is snow. A lot of it too. Spead over  the land like a cold blanket. under the snow and even snow one rubble, most likely from the destroyed buildings that once stood, a white hand could be seen. If Connor were any other type of android, he wouldn't have noticed it. However, his acute ability for detecting details drew his to cast the hand from the snow. 

Which, inevitablely, led him to unburry the android in hopes they may have been revivable. It had taken him dozens of minutes, but he finally managed. Pulling the android from their icey tomb. Upon running several diagnostics, it became clear that they could be saved. 

So, here is Connor. A frozen, mangled, abused deviant slung over his back. Snow falling down, sticking to his hair. He was pretty sure he had a hat on, but that didn't matter. He had to get this android to Markus....

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