Terrorladd #5

568 11 4

friendship. more than that, bestfriends. nothing romantic, just loving.

craigs pov.


we grew up in a small town together, we must have met when i was about 6 years old and Brian had just moved out of the more town like rural area and into a small village. our families had known each other for decades, one of those local famillies which have been around for hundreds of years. me and Brian instantly clicked, he was my bestfriend for so long. when he moved into my primary school he got along with everyone, the popular kid he was gave him a mix of attention. i on the other, wasnt so popular. i had many admirers, but many more haters. i wasnt hated for any reason. just because i was there.

when brian came along everything changed, we were the duo nobody fucked with. we would go out all the time, mess around down the park and take walks up the mountain. that was when he lived in my village of course. that was before things went downhill.

how could things get bad from here? we were bestfriends for life, living the perfect dream of a 7 and 9 year old of just messing around until the roads went dark and the street lights us an orange glow. we would get into fights, but we were only fighting too defend each other but never ourselves. we would keep kicking but we would get kicked back till we had a broken nose, that wouldnt stop us from knocking them out cold thought.

but after time we had a fight with each other, it wasnt physical nor was anything at all verbal said to hurt the other. we had rather just had a small arguement, i found out that in his last year of primary school when he was 10 and i was 8 that he was moving houses. he didnt even give me a notice, he told me a fortnight before the move. i didnt want sort it out. didnt wanna hear his words. didnt want too talk it out. because the more i was to think about it the more i wouldnt be able to take that my bestfriend was moving three miles away from me.

but of course, his mum drove. he wouldn't still be going too the same school as me, but we wouldnt have the same sleepovers all the time. this would change everything but nothing at the same time. it was a confusing world for young me, but none the less we started a new chapter. the chapter of parties, toy dogs, pet dogs and new siblings.


i'm sorry i haven't updated in a few weeks, i'm going through some things which will come clear when it's all blown over. you may see it in the news before you hear it from me, welcome too Wales 🙃

will try too update more, just trying too stay alive x

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