Chapter 1 Overrun

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Now this story takes place right after the second Predator VS Alien movie but some of the predators are alive from the first movie! Just a heads up! Oh yeah and I'm writing this chapter on my phone so I'm sorry and yes Wolf survives? Ok? OKAY!

The Hospital was filled with nothing but silent, and lights flicking off and on and the heavy but quiet steps of a Yantja named Wolf, his head was turning in each direction listening and watching for Xenomorphs or for any life with a chestbuster he wasn't risking anymore Hybrids to be born. 

A blood filled scream ran through the halls catching the attention of Wolf, he turned his head to the sound of the scream quickly but quietly making his way to where it came from. He saw a closed door with screams coming out of it, he slowly pushed open the door ready if something attacked but saw a man on a bed with a chestbuster popping out of his chest. The man continued to scream louder and louder blood just coming out of his mouth non stop. Wolf only stared at the ooman suffering in front of him before his waistblades popped out and lifted up his waist looking at the freakshow in front of him. He let the blade go througt the chestbuster then the man's ripped open chest putting both the things out of their suffering. Wolf continued though the halls until he saw a window that showed a room filled with the things oomans (humans) put their newborns in movements caught Wolf's attention, he slowly and quietly entered the room looking for xenomorphs but all he found was a blanket moving and making noises. Wolf grabbed the blanket and moved it a bit to see a baby ooman whining, the baby stopped and looked up at the taller figure and smiled happy. Wolf touched the side of his mask and scanned the young ooman. No chestbuster, no nothing. How did this baby ooman survive this long? Questions ran through Wolf's head about this young ooman's survival. His thoughts were cut off by a roar from down the hall, a xenomorph was roaming down the halls. It was coming the same way Wolf did, he knew that if he hid now the xenomoph would see the young one  and Wolf actually cared for this young one weirdly. They had no mother or father probably killed by a xenomorph or was facehugged, Wolf wrapped his hands around the little one's body and hid behind the door where the Xenomorph wouldn't be able to see him. He looked down at the child, they were so tiny in his hands it was what the oomans called cute. The child looked up at Wolf and giggled, Wolf couldn't stop himself from smiling under his mask. Loud footsteps were heard pasting by the two the xenomorph was looking around making growls. Wolf held the child to his chest tightly in a protective way, he waited for the creature to leave down the hall then pushed himself off the floor and grabbed another blanket from a holder or what the oomans called a crib then he noticed the holder he took the child out of, it was a name tag that read (Y/N) and a pink line, in it was something oomans called a pacifier to calm the children, He looked down at the child and smiled before making a clicking noise "(Y/N)"  As the child or (Y/N) looked at him smiling. He grabbed the pacifier and held it to the baby, but instead of grabbing the pacifier she wrapped her tiny hands around his finger. The connection he felt with this child grew more, He couldn't just leave this child here a facehugger may attack her. Wolf's only goal now was to return to his home planet and to keep the young one safe from harm's way.

He had wrapped (Y/N)'s little body with two blankets and gave her the pacifier. He quietly opened the door and popped his head out looking down each hall, he listened for the last xenomorph as he creeped down the hall holding the child. A roar from a xenomorph came from down the hall as Wolf turned his head and saw the xenomorph at the end of the hall, spikes came out of its back Its eyes dead and lifeless. Wolf got into a battle post his blade out and ready, he placed (Y/N) down by a bed and hid her the best he could. As the xenomorph charged at him, Wolf held out his blade ready to attack when the xenomorph rammed his head right into Wolf sending him flying hitting a wall hard. He hit the ground face first and everything was black for a quick second before he looked up all he could hear was the cries of (Y/N) as the xenomorph stood over her about to kill her. Wolf felt rage fill him hearing the cries of her, he pushed himself off the ground and charged at the xenomorph.


It happened so fast Wolf stood there by the xenomorph as it stopped, before the head slowly started to fall. Scar panicked and threw him by (Y/N) wrapped his arms around the little child protecting her from the acid blood, he slid away from the xenomorph getting acid blood on his armour. He felt the acid melting though his armour, Wolf quickly ripped off the armour and rubbed his back. A giggle came from (Y/N)'s mouth, their were no burns she wasn't harmed at all and that's all that matter to him. He turned his head and saw that he had cut off a xenomorph's head, he rubbed (Y/N)'s head softly and a smile grew on his face. Wolf listened for a second for anymore xenomorphs, he was safe and she was safe.

Wolf escaped though the back hearing more oomans enter the building most were carrying some heat. Wolf ran into a forest away from the town, he flipped on a device on his wrist finding the location of his ship. (Y/N)'s tiny hand touched the side of his mask giggling, Wolf looked at her and smiled. He doesn't want to take off his mask and scare the poor baby half to death so he kept it on.

After Wolf found his ship he placed the Xenomorph head in a holder that the acid blood could not burn though. He closed up the back hatch and headed to the controls, the young one still in his arms. He sat down with her in his lap, he started the ship and put it on auto pilot. He knew that ooman babies were different from yantja babies, he clicked two buttons on the side of his mask and slowly removed it revealing a missing mandible, an acid-scarred face, a white presumably blinded eye also a damaged mandible tusk/tooth of his upper-left jaw. (Y/N)'s little eyes just looked over Wolf and smiled softly, putting her hands in her mouth like a human baby would, he took his as a good judgement and some joy filled him. He really was connected to her he didn't want to lose her, he saw a warrior in the eyes of this young child she was different, she was special to him. Wolf looked into space and saw this planet, he was honestly kinda scared of what the others think of this. He looked down at (Y/N) and saw that she fell asleep in his arms, she was so small but she survived a xenomorph attack and Wolf knew she was special after that.

It was just the others thoughts he had to worry about...


Finally done! I'm proud of this first chapter! So what do YOU think will happen in the new chapter with Wolf bring a baby Ooman back to his planet in thoughts of having her in? LET ME KNOOOOW!

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