Chapter 45 part 4

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They both looked over at Zayn who was still just standing there.


"Looks like you made your choice," Harry said as he walked over to Zayn and bent him over the island.

"No. Don't. Daddy!" Zayn yelled out as his daddy started spanking him.

"Are you going to go to my office now?" Harry asked as he hit him with the spoon a final time.

"Yes! Please stop. It hurts daddy!"

"Go and do as I asked. I'll be there in a few minutes," Harry said as he stood up straight and helped Zayn to stand.

Five minutes later Harry placed the wooden spoon down while saying, "I'll be back shortly," before going to the office.


"Do you know why im about to punish you?" Harry asked as he sat down on the couch, Zayn standing next to him.


"Lets start with you swearing repeatedly, not listening, being disrespectful, and provoking Niall," Harry explained.

"Okay. But I still don't deserve to be punished," Zayn said as he dug his toes into the carpet.

"And why not?" Harry questioned.

I I don't know."

"Lay over my lap Zayn," Harry said as he lightly grabbed ahold of his wrist.

"But da-"

"Youve stalled enough Zayn Javaad. Over my lap now," Harry ordered more sternly.

"Thank you for finally listening. Fifteen spanks for swearing and fifteen for everything else you did that you shouldn't have," Harry explained as he placed his hand on the exposed bum. "I'm starting now."


As quickly as the spanking had started it was over with and he was back in harrys arms being cuddled and sweet nothing's whispered into his ear.

"I'm sorry daddy I love you," Zayn cried on his daddy's shoulder.

"It's okay. You're okay. But you need to apologize to Niall also," Harry said as he pulled Zayn away from his shoulder.

"Otay daddy." Zayn stood up and put his panties back on before going out to the living room. Where he apologized to Niall and they hugged it out.

Harry and Louis let the three watch the movie while they went into the kitchen to begin making lunch again.

"All of that over making some sandwiches," Harry said as they threw out the bread that already had butter on it and decided to start fresh.

"Now our day to day wouldnt be interesting if they didn't make it so. Now would you like some tomato soup with the sandwiches?" Louis asked as he walked into the pantry.


The two dominants made grilled cheese and grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. They placed the plates of sandwiches and bowls of soups on the table infront of the submissives.

"What movie do you guys wanna watch now?" Harry asked.


"Okay. You three start eating while I turn it on."

The rest of the night was uneventful, the five of them having enough with what had already occured they not wanting anything else eventful to occur. Niall enjoyed his first day as a submissive and was looking forward to more days as submissive, even though Zayn didn't like that it happened and is going to continue to happen.


Haii there!!!

I hope you guys liked this chapter.

It is the end of the parts but Submissive Niall will make a reappearance.

What did you like?

What did you dislike?

What do you wanna see happen?

It will more than likely take me awhile to get another chapter written and up. Especially if you guys want it to be longer than what I usually write. So while you wait comment ideas that you wanna see, if you want.

Goal 10 votes and 10 comments.

Thank you

Love all of you


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