C2: Stay

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"Suddenly, everything is fine. He does not feel alone anymore. He finally had someone and he will never let that someone go."


"Are you sure that no one saw you?" he asked the young Kim. "Your father might get mad. He is not the kind of person that you want to get angry."

"Why? Have you make him angry before?" the young boy asked instead of answering.

"He doesn't like it when I do not follow his rules. Especially whenever I try to escape."

"No, you should not leave." The boy tightly grasped his hands.

Since the young Kim met him, he always finds way to see him. They talked a lot and the man on the canvas always let him do whatever he likes.

But he does not know that the man doesn't really belong there. He's a captive and he really wants to escape. Kim is a cruel man. He always forced him to do such things.

"Does it hurt? Why are you chained?"

"It doesn't hurt. Like you, your father doesn't want me to leave. So he chained me. I cannot really do anything while my right hand and leg are bound."

"That looks painful." The boy commented.

"Maybe for you, it will be painful. But I am different and that's why." The pretty man explained.

"You always say you're different. Weird."

The bound man just simply smiled at him.

"How's your day? You have a session with your teacher today, right?" He changed the subject of their conversation.

"Being home schooled is boring. I found a board game, let's play. I will be fun." He excitedly says.


"All we need to do is to create words from this...."



"You found a job?" I asked Namjoon while he is preparing his things.

"No, I am still looking for one. Are you hungry?"

"Nope." I lied.

Namjoon doesn't need to worry about my hunger. As of the moment, he cannot really help me about it.

"Can I come? Can I also look for a job?" I asked him instead.

The sudden change in his expression gives it away.

"You do not want me to go out?" I asked again.

"Jungkook, it is not safe. You need to stay inside."

"Why do everyone won't let me out? I am so sick of it. I am capable of protecting myself."

"Are you sure? Then why do my men caught you?"

Because I do not want to hurt them. I can easily kill them—including Namjoon. But I made a promise and I will not break it.


"Promise me you will not leave the house."

"I already said fine, right?"

"Stop being a brat, Jungkook. What if he finds you? Do you want me to get killed?"

I almost forgot him.

Namjoon is right. I need to be careful.


"You're not aging."

"I know."

"Does he hurt you again? I saw you crying."

"You do not have to worry about it."

Time flies so fast for the young Kim. He turned 19 weeks ago and the man on the canvas stays the same.

"I want to be like you. So that I can protect you from my father."

"Your father also wants that."

"Stop comparing me to him."

"Then stop acting like him."

"Jungkook, please."

In the end, Jungkook cave in. The young Kim is his only companion for the last seven years.

Everything will be okay, he thinks.

But that never happens.

Suddenly, everything turns red.

There were no more locked doors. No more heavy cuffs in his hand and leg.

But everywhere, there is blood.

Then he saw him with his glowing red eyes.

"What have you done?"

"I killed him. No one has to know so I decided to kill everyone." The young Kim answered.

There is blood on his cheeks and his clothes are completely soaked by it too.

"We are both free now."

Jungkook doesn't know what to say.

The person in front of him is different.

"No one will separate us now."

"I will never be alone anymore."


Author's Note:

Comments will be highly appreciated!

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