C3. Boy Next Door

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Never let you go, my love, my sanity.


he owner of the gloomy mansion is fuming. He hates this feeling the most. He doesn't like going outside but he needs to monitor their business. He needs to manage it on his own because his father is gone.

He's dead because he killed him. With this, he became the new owner and president of their company. It helps him a lot because it makes him powerful and do things easily.

Kim is about to call the police when he decided to show up.

"Where have you been?" Kim immediately asked.

"Outside." He answered.

"Jungkook. I'm serious. You don't have my permission to leave the mansion. Why are you behaving like this?" He asked again.

"I just want to go. I am here for so many years, caged in by your father. And you expect me to just stay here doing nothing?"

He knows it. But he's afraid about many things.

"Fine. But I need to come whenever you go out. You will not leave this mansion alone."

"Why? You hate seeing people. You hate spending time outside your premises. So why do you have to that?"

Jungkook's right. He hates socializing. However, he's too obsessed to the vampire to the point that he needs to always be by his side.

He doesn't want Jungkook to meet other people than him.

The vampire belongs to him.

Kim only knows him. He only have Jungkook since his childhood.

He will not function well without him.

"You're different and it's too dangerous."

"I can handle myself. I'm way older than you. If you can manage being a vampire so am I since I am your maker." Jungkook argues.

As time goes by, the two of them are changing. He is becoming more mature while the other vampire is becoming rebellious.

"Starting tomorrow, this mansion will have a security. I will find someone to entertain you whenever I'm out and I will be with you wherever you want to go."

"Security? I don't need that."

"But I need them, you are not allowed to leave when I am not around. They will guard the mansion and specially—you." Kim explained.

"I am not your prison."

"I don't care. But don't forget about this. Leave this mansion and innocent people will die. Whoever lets you out will be punished."


Namjoon manage to get a job from the little town's hospital. Every night, he's working which leaves Jungkook alone.

"You can leave the house but do not go too far." Namjoon always remind him whenever he leaves.

Whenever darkness set in, Jungkook will go to the nearby park or just wander around the place.

He's currently on the park's playground, resting his body on the swing when someone approached him.

"Hi." Their neighbour, Jimin, greeted him.

Jungkook knew him because Namjoon talks about him. Also, he always see him every time he watches what is happening outside from the window.

"Hello." He politely greeted back.

"It is kind of late for you to be here." Said Jimin, worry evident in his voice.

"So why are you here?"

"Because I noticed you going out."

"Are you following me?" he asked again.

"That's not it. I'm just concerned about you. It's dangerous." Jimin explained.

"If it is dangerous, why did you follow me?" Jungkook asked again.

"I'm older than you."

"How can you be so sure about that?"

Jungkook knows that he looks young. He stops aging when his 18. And the thing is, he looks 16 when he's 18.

"Maybe to befriend you. Will it satisfy you?"


"You're not sure?" Jimin asked.

"Why do you want me to be your friend?" He asked again.

He's like a child. Jimin thought because of Jungkook's endless question.

"Because it looks like you need one." Jimin answered.

The boy always looks sad.

"I have Namjoon."

"And you can have me. I can accompany you everytime you want to go here."



It's been so long since someone offers to be his friend. So he wonders, is that someone still looking for him.


"Why did you kill him?"

"Because he's getting too close!" With a glowing red eyes, Kim angrily answered.

"He just wants to be a friend. I want him to be my friend." Jungkook explained.

"No, you can't. I am already here. You do not need to have a new one." Kim argues.

"Get your act together or you will lose me." This time, Jungkook warns him.

And Kim snapped. He slams his fist in the nearby table, repeatedly, until it breaks due to the vampire's strength. It seems that it does not satisfy Kim because he begins to break everything that he can take a hold.

"Stop it." Jungkook intervenes but Kim does not listen.

"I said stop it!" he yells, eyes turning blue.

He managed to get Kim's attention. "You're hurting yourself." Jungkook said.

"You will not leave me." Said Kim. "I only have you. You promised me, remember?"

Jungkook remembers it clearly.

A crying 12 year old Kim, bruised, searching comfort from him.

"Yes. But."

"But why Kookie? You're mine. Only mine." Said Kim.

But he is becoming like his father.

"Yes, I am yours."


"I am beginning to doubt you. It's been a month and you haven't found him. Should I seek other to do the job? Or should I find him myself?" He calmly said.

Though the calmness is just a lie.

The man on the other line answered him but when he's about to talk back, someone knocks.

"I'll call you later." He says.

He waits for a few minute before letting the person on the other side to enter.

"Come in."

"Are you ready for your first task?" He asked when he was comfortably seated.

"Ofcourse," his cousin, Taehyung, answered with a glinting beautiful eyes.


Author's Note:

Comments will be appreciated!

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