Chapter 5:Broken

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Hey guys,thanks for reading my story your votes and comments will be highly appreciated. Another thing I come from Africa precisely Kenya,Teardrops is one of my first books and anything I write is just Fiction and from my imagination so I have never been abroad before with the exception of some countries in East Africa. Avoid hate speech because I won't take it lightly.
Lots of love from Lilah

Jessy's POV
Am settling in Pretty well. I close my window to prevent the chilly breeze from flowing in. I have had enough breeze for today. My thoughts drift back to Kim. She is lovable,adorable and beautiful. She is a model but with her baggy clothes and big glasses. I can feel she is broken. She has built a wall around her but am determined to bring it down.
I just have to say that I love my new roomie. She has a heart of gold ,pure and innocent. Her ivory skin and Blonde hair makes her blue eyes pop out .She has Jacqueline features and she is a spelcture carefully crafted by God himself but all of this is been hidden by the big glasses and her hair that is undone.
She has a destroyed self-esteem and no matter how much she tries to stay invisible she still stands out.
I want to change this girl. She is like my sister. What I feel for her is beyond understanding .True,I met her today but I just can't explain it.
Oh Jessy!You are in for a lot of work.
Kim you better get ready for me girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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