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Lover 1 POV

The rays of the sun are starting to tear into the darkness. It's the break of dawn. It's time.

I hold his hand and tug it a little. He's still gazing at the illimunating sky as we stand in the middle of the meadow. I know he's hiding from my gaze. He doesn't want me to see, but I know.

I cup his cheek and turn his head to look at me. I wipe his tears and pull him into my arms.

"Don't cry na. I promise we will meet again," I tell him, rubbing his back.

"I know. I get it now," he answers in my chest. "I just find it sad that we have to go through this again."

"That's the way it is," I explain to him. "There's a time and place for everything. Just like what we're seeing right now, even the night must give way to the day."

He doesn't respond but just nods his head.

"I think it's beautiful actually," I tell him.

He looks up at me. "What do you mean?"

"It just means that no matter what happens, we will always have a new beginning," I tell him smiling. "There's no real ending. We're trapped in a circle."

He smiles at me and nods his head in understanding. "I remember that. Our love is a circle. It's never ending."

"That's correct," I coo him and caress his cheek. "This story is closing. We just have to start the cycle again."

"Wait for me," he tells me and gets back in my arms, burying his face in my chest.

"Always," I respond.

"And forever," he finishes our sentence.

I pull away a little and kiss his forehead. "I will find you," I tell him sincerely. He smiles and pokes his finger on my heart, "you'd better."

The sun has fully risen and I hear the call. "It's time. I need to go," I tell him with a slight hint of sadness.

His eyes are full of emotions and a single tear falls. "I'm gonna miss you," he tells me sadly.

"Me too. So don't take too long," I try to soothe him. I can feel the pull getting stronger. I can no longer delay the inevitable. I pull him for another hug, more tightly this time, and let out my feelings, "I love you."

"I love you, too."


Lover 2 POV

He pulls away from the hug and kisses my lips. We both close our eyes. I feel his love, his sadness and his hope in the kiss. And then I feel nothing. I open my eyes and I'm all alone. He's gone. He left. Again.

I want to curse. I want to get mad. Why does this keep happening to us? Why do we have to go through this again? I inhale deeply and let it out slowly, calming my emotions.

I turn around and start to walk away. Sadness is enveloping me, but is slowly being replaced by hope as I see the sun shining over the once dark meadow. I pause for a while and look up at the bright sky. I give off a smile knowing it won't be long until we reunite because, just like before, we've again gone the full circle.

I continue walking and mumble to myself, "wait for me, P'Pha."

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