Part 2: The Awkward Movie ♥

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Hosuh's POV:

"Who is it?"

"It's Daniel! Wanna watch a movie?" He said too enthusiastically.

Thinking it would take my mind off of the.... "incident" I grudgingly accepted. As I walked slumply to the couch I still felt red. I wonder if he liked it.... I thought as I covered myself with the nearest blanket.

Stephen's POV:

I had so many questions but I know him, he always gets flustered when something very, very embarrassing happens and we talk to him. I heard a knock and quickly get up.

"Stephen, wanna watch a movie?" Asked Daniel.

"Uh, sure Daniel." 

"Good" He answered.

As I got out of the bathroom and walked to the couch I saw Hosuh staring at me like a deer in headlights. "Ok Stephen, YOU can do this!" I whisper to myself.

"Hey Hosuh! Hows your chin?" I pretended to smile and put my arm around him. My eyes were twitching with OH FUCK. I sweat as he looked at the TV and then me. He then noticed what I was getting at and gave me an apologetic look and got himself psyched up.

"Oh, my chin is better now Stephen!" He faked and gave out a little anxiety laugh.

 His eyes were also wide open with OH FUCK.

Hosuh's POV:

I'm so embarrassed right now! I groan a little and sweat my energy out as my anxiety takes over. I pray silently for Daniel to come back with pizza so I can eat my problems away.

I hear fumbling with keys and the door opened. Daniel is holding a large pizza. 

"Hey guys!" He said as he placed the pizza on the counter.

"Uh hey Daniel." Said Stephen.

I walk over to the pizza and get out a plate and put 2 pieces on it. I take a bite and walk to the couch and scoot over for Daniel to sit in the middle after how awkward that conversation was but now I get what he was at to keep it a secret.

(Time Travel to like 10 mins ago)

Daniel's POV:

I heard a large bang and went to investigate I creaked the door open and saw Hosuh and Stephen kissing. "What? I thought they had girlfriends!" I whisper to myself

." Also they are two guys!" I then added to my comment. I didn't know what to think. I was shocked, they have always been the "Just Friends" guys. As I saw Hosuh get up I run to the corner wall and peek at him.

(Time Travel to halfway into the movie WARNING: NSFW a little)

Stephen's POV:

As I look at Daniel fall asleep on the couch I got up to get more pizza. I then felt a pair of seductive hand slide up my shirt. That got me aroused.


"I forgive you.. and uh I uh like you... alot." He stuttered, trying to act confident.

I let out a playful smirk and kiss him. I felt him soften up his grip and lock tongues with mine.

"You got me, how about we continue this afterwards?" I said as I pulled away and hold his cheek.

"O-okay.." He said as he looked away at Daniel and understood why I refused the "offer". 

Daniel's POV:

I pretended to fall asleep. But they are? KISSING?! What the hell? What happened between them? Why did he say "later"?! Ughhhhh I have so many questions... Hmm I feel sle ee p.. y

Stephen's POV: 

As I see Hosuh leave to go to bed after the movie I glanced at Daniel. I sighed and decided to pick him up because I cant just leave him there! I carried him to his room and watch him with sympathy. He's so innocent and doesn't know what going on. I sigh again and go to my own room to sleep.

*Next Morning*

Hosuh's POV:

As I wake up I feel weight pushing on me. 


"Shhh... remember?" He seductivley smirked as he stripped himself.

I felt so flustered I had to look away!

"How about we have some fun?" He said as he kissed my neck.

(End of Part 2)

Hello homosapiens Sorry that you didnt get the lovey dovey stuff but i swear its gonna be a hard NSFW warning for part 3 ;))) luv ya

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