Part 4: Daniel??? ♥

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(Daniel's POV)

I was shocked in horror to see my two best friends... get it on. 

"Dan! Wait!"Hosuh called out to me, I was now slowly pacing back out of the room. 

I then start to run to my room. I blushed, was I invading their... love? Now I just feel... left out. No, I will tell them.

(No POV)

Hosuh scrambled on his boxers and baggy shorts, Stephen did the same, he felt weird inside. Like he did something wrong. Stephen snapped out of thought and turned his attention to Hosuh, who was rushing to the door. Stephen jumped up and grabbed Hosuh's arm.

"Hosuh!" Stephen called. He was worried, he didn't want to keep this a secret. "I have feelings for Daniel and you!" Stephen squinted his eyes while saying this, expecting a slap. 

"Hosuh?" Stephen asked as Hosuh wrapped his arms his arms tight against Stephen's body. 

"Yeah?" Hosuh answered finally, muffled in Stephen's chest. "I love Daniel too, I think I know what to do.." Hosuh smiled and pulled Stephen to Daniel's room.

Daniel was about to get up and open the door to go to his friends. Daniel was pushed by the two boys. Daniel was on the floor with Hosuh planted ontop of him with Stephen snickering. Hosuh was embarrased and was about to get up when Daniel wrapped his arms around Hosuh, tight. Hosuh blushed and snuggled in with Daniel.

Stephen was annoyed by the time they took hugging and kissing. Stephen picked Hosuh up and planted him on Daniel's bed. 

"Stephen!" Hosuh said to Stephen, booping his nose. Daniel snickered and got up behind Hosuh.

"Guys?" Hosuh said, looking around.

(To Be Continued) 

p.s Sorry I didnt post a chapter soon enough! I was running out of ideas and lost motivation for a while. Sorry! ♥♥♥♥

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