Chapter One

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Everyone was worried as they ran through the halls towards the hospital room. Once they saw the number they all rushed in and saw five guys in a coma. They could only recognize one though. Stiles. The Stiles that had disappeared years ago that magically appeared.

Malia, Derek, Peter, Scott, Isaac, Alison, Lydia, Liam, Kira, Ethan, Aiden, Noah, Jackson, Melissa, Erica, and Boyd. That was everyone. After Stiles disappeared they all had freaked out and after so long of looking, there he was on a hospital bed. He looked more mature and like he hasn't smiled in a long time.

Before any of them could go to stand beside him everything flashed white and they weren't in a hospital anymore. They were all standing in the place Stiles, Scott and Allison, had appeared in when trying to find the nemeton.

A tv appeared in front of them and they all cautiously looked around for anything else. Four more guys appeared and it was the four other guys in the hospital room. They seemed just as confused as everyone else.

We all had something in a video game where our names we hanging above our heads. The four guys were Frypan, Newt, Minho, and Gally. Weird names but they wouldn't judge.

A voice that sounded like Stiles echoed through this place. I need to wake up. I have to know that Minho, Newt, Gally, and Frypan all got home safe and sound. Make sure they had good homes. I need to be there.

The worry was clear in his voice along with determination. His voice disappeared and the tv started playing a video. Of Stiles. It started off by showing lettering that said,

Stiles. Thomas. These are his names that the people that love him call him. But no one has truly seen his hard ships. While everyone was battling brutal battles he was battling against the war. So Stiles might have been involved with supernatural and underestimated. But Thomas was a leader. A hero. Who not only saved one person. But many others. So for his supernatural and glader friends. I will show you what happened in his everyday life before he was taken. Along with after he was taken and had his memory erased. Be prepared.

Everyone was gaping in amazement and disbelief at the Stiles/Thomas they had seen. Not believing her had done all that but from what they saw, knowing he had went through that. The four other boys in the room were proof of that.

Another video started and they all stared attentively.

They all didn't know what to say or think. Nothing could change what they had done and what has happened but they just hoped that he would forgive them for never noticing his constant pain.

Everyone was full blown sobbing wanting to look away but not being able to. The problems Stiles face was unimaginable and yet it all happened to their friend that they discarded.

They were staring in aww. They couldn't believe everything he had done. Every hardship. Another message showed up on the tv and made every yearn for more.

You can't even imagine his hardships. But I think he can explain the rest. For now I will show you his good moments.

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