Chapter Six

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Newt's POV:

I head down the stairs quietly and walk into the living room. Tommy was still asleep and I knew he would be happy to sleep in for another hour or two.

When I went into the living room I saw the rest of the gladers and Tommy's friends.

They were all in the living room chatting. When I walked in they all looked at me and I go and sit on the floor. Everyone from the day before  Before anyone could say anything the tv turned on and a picture of Tommy showed up. We all looked at the tv in anticipation.

It started to play something and we stared intensely.

We all were shaking as the next one popped up.

We stare and another one comes and it shows Tommy or Stiles or whatever. It shows everytime that the bandaged demon like creature was messing with him. We were all scared as we saw things that most likely all of us wouldn't be able to handle.

It would taunt and threaten him. Kept asking him the same riddle. It was heartbreaking and I started crying. I am surprised Tommy could go through that and still walk around. And I could feel as everyone's respect grows for him every second.

Thomas/Stiles POV:

I yawn as I walk down the stairs. I heard something in the living room and I walk in. I see everyone sitting there and the tv was paused on something I hoped I would never see. The nogitsune. I look at everyone and they were already staring at me in respect. When I glanced back at the tv I sucked in a breath.

It changed to a black screen and I heard heavy breathing. Then the nogitsune's voice started taunting me again.

We are going to kill everyone you love Stiles! Every. Last. One.

I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head. My hands clasp over my ears and I shake my head frantically.

Everyone was watching in horror and looked as if they wanted to help but were debating something.

His voice was still clear to hear.

Everyone you love Stiles. We will kill them all! Or should I say. You will kill them all!

I shake my head again and my knees buckled. I fell onto my knees and kept squeezing my eyes shut.

Tears started trickling from my eyes and I cry,"No. I won't."

Yes you will Stiles! The voice laughs loudly then yells I am helping you! They all are going to die and then. You will die to!

I cry harder and yell,"No!"

He yells back yes then says. Soon it will just be me. And. You. I will be your best friend Stiles!

My breathing becomes harder and I stumble to my feet. The audio shuts off and I start having troubles breathing.

My hand reaches to my chest and I grip my shirt. I start gasping and dizziness consumes me.

I stumble backwards and grab onto the wall trying to walk.

Someone touches my shoulder and I start yelling panicked,"NO! GET AWAY! AWAY!"

I was turned around and lips crashed to mine. I was breathing hard for a second before I sighed into the kiss.

Tears were still trickling down my cheeks as we pulled away. I knew it was Newt so I bury my face into his shoulder and rap my arms around him. Once his arms were around me to I couldn't stop myself from sobbing.

I turned my head sideways away from his neck and cried quietly,"I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'm sorry."

I kept repeatedly saying sorry as I breathed in his scent.

Newt just let me cry and I was thankful for that. I felt completely helpless and I hated the feeling.

Newt pulled away from the hug with a horrified look and wiped my tears away. Once he was done his hand rested on my cheek and I closed my eyes again.

Newt kissed my other cheek and whispered,"It's going to be okay Tommy. Your going to be okay."

I let out a shaky breath and open my eyes. Looking into Newts eyes I stuttered,"Y-you won't leave me right?"

His eyebrows furrowed and he softly says,"I won't leave you Tommy."

I sigh and hug him again. Newt rubs my back and whispers,"You should talk to everyone. They are probably worried."

I nod and keep an arm around him. As we walk into the living room. Everyones eyes were on us instantly and I didn't look at anyone.

I go to the wall farthest from them and slide down it till I was sitting against the wall. Newt sat beside me and I put my head on his shoulder.

Building up the courage I looked up and met there gazes. They were all pained and horrified. Dad shook his head and asked,"Why didn't you tell anyone Stiles. We could have been there."

I shake my head and say,"You don't get it. Why add problems to a pile that already builds every second. It's not like I was going to say that the reason for my panic attacks is a demon in my head that thinks its funny to make me feel pain and put me through hell."

Scott spoke up next and said,"You could have said that and we would have found a way to make the nogitsune go away faster. We would have helped you Stiles."

I shake my head again and rub my forehead. "Like I said Scott, I wasn't going to add a problem to a long list of problems. You guys would think I was just going crazy anyways."

Scott stayed quiet and I sighed. Melissa spoke up next. "Stiles. Do you have nightmares about the nogitsune torturing you?"

This caught my attention and I could see everyones shock as I replied,"All the time. I just stopped waking up screaming when I realized there wouldn't be anyway to make it go away."

Melissa sadly said,"Why don't you show us what the nogitsune did. We will be able to understand better."

Instantly I shake my head and firmly state,"No. It's better if I keep this to myself. Some things aren't ment to be shared."

Scott spoke up again,"Please Stiles. I know we always used to underestimate you and you weren't treated fairly but we want to help now."

Not wanting to argue I had everyone sit around and once I got every situated and I touched my fingertips to the circles I showed them exactly every moment I saw and heard the nogitsune and when it caused me pain.

Then once I finished I pulled away and rest my head against the wall and watched as everyone went back to there spots terrified.

My gaze hardened and I spat,"Like I said. Some things aren't ment to be shared."

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