Chapter Five

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Everyone had become situated and Newt was sitting beside me in a comforting way. I give him a small smile then look up at the pack. They were looking at me expectantly and I sigh running a hand through my hair.

I close my eyes for a second then open them and begin. "You need to understand why I did the things I did. There will be parts where I will tell you that were much like a war and required death. If you can't handle that then I suggest you leave."

No one left and I nodded. I ran my hand through my hair again and Gally reached over and patted my shoulder giving me a reassuring  smile.

I then stared intensely at the pack and started. "Well the truth is all I could remember was coming up in a box like elevator. Everything was hazy and it was moving at an intense speed. When it hit the top I remember the doors opened and a whole bunch of guys surrounded the box..."

I continued telling them what happened with detail and when I brought up someone who had died or explained there death I would have to stop for a second and I would take deep breaths to calm down.

At the end of the story everyone was staring shocked. I lean back relieved it was over. Newt leant against me and I kissed the top of his head. Peter was smirking and stated,"It seems Stiles or Thomas whatever has been getting his hands dirty."

I glared menacingly at him and said with a threatening tone,"I had no choice."

Peter smirked even more and taunted,"Scott is always saying there is another choice."

I clench my teeth and slowly stood up. My fists were clenched white and my voice rose with every sentence.

"Like I said to Scott, some of us can't be a true alpha. Some of us have to make mistakes and get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human! So I suggest that if you want to know who you are taunting you at least see my past!"

He looked like he was about to piss himself and he slowly got up. I sat down and I could tell everyone in the room was frightened of how I was a second ago.

Peter came up to me and hesitated but then put his claws into my neck. I clench my teeth as all of the memories flashed. Since it was so many memories he got them pretty much all at once and just as he got he last memory he gasped and pulled away really fast.

His eyes were filled with fright and he stumbled backwards. His eyes were filled with horror. He looked back at the group and gulped then stuttered,"Y-You guys might have thought his explanation was a horror story but I swear you all will piss yourselves if you saw it all.

They all looked unsettled and I sigh. Standing up again I say,"I learned a trick a while back. You werewolves have your way with memories but humans also have their way.

Everyone looked shocked and I looked at the pack and asked,"Do you want to see or not?"

Most of the pack stepped forward but Peter was sat down and stared in despair at me. I ignore his gaze.

I make them form a somewhat circle and then I grabbed Scott and Dads hands. They did the same with the rest of the pack. Once they were all situated I gave them a look of warning. Then before they could register the look I touched my fingertips to complete the group and they all gasped. The same thing happened with the memories here. When they all pulled away Scott started crying and a lot of others did to.

Minho threw his hands in the air and exclaimed,"Look what you did greenie! Now we are shucked to the point of not existing!"

I rolled my eyes and sat beside Newt again. When I showed my memories everything was as if I was watching myself. They had seen when Chuck and Winston died. Had seen all of the war and I hope they are damn happy they never went through that.

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