Chapter Eight

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Everyone was sat in a circle now and I smiled.

Scott looked over at me and asked," So why did you jump from the window when we are at the hospital?"

I blushed and muttered,"I was freaking out and did the only thing I could think of for escape."

Scott laughed and stated,"You must be crazy."

I huff and exclaim,"I had done it before, I could do it again!"

He shook his head and then chuckled,"It was actually pretty awesome how you just dived out the window without hesitation."

I chuckled to and shake my head.

The door bell rings and I get up to get the door as everyone follows.

When I open the door I gasp and quickly whip a gun from my waistband.

Jansen smirked as I heard gasps of shock behind me. The gladers were shocked that Jansen was here and the pack was shocked I pulled a gun out. Especially when I had done it so fast.

Jansen chuckled and stated,"Oh I do love your enthusiasm. I came here for one reason. You. Thomas we want you to work with us again."

He said it as if we were old friends and I snarled and cocked the gun. Jansen smirked and taunted,"I guess that answers the question. Do it Thomas. Shoot me. We both know that I will continue to take more teenagers. We also both know that the more teenagers I take, the more that die."

I feel my anger peaking and I kick his legs from under him then straddled him having my knees on his arms then hold the gun to his forehead.

Scott was pleading with me not to do it and Minho was telling me to do it.

My thoughts were stilling and I pull the trigger. There were screams then silence.

Scott just stared sadly at me while Minho relaxed.

Sighing I explain," This is for Chuck. Winston. All of the glader that died. All of them that survived. And me. He got less than what he deserved but I know he would have done more harm then good if I let him run."

Everyone was quiet. They all were either watching in horror, shock, thankfulness, and sadness.

Before anyone could say anything a man stood in the doorway. He looked like a business man and he had sunglasses.

I quickly level the gun with his head. The man grinned and chuckled,"My my my. Haven't you grown up so much. Went from underestimated and useless to your pack, to a warrior that could lead thousands."

I glared but stayed quiet. The man looks at me seriously again and says,"Stiles. Thomas. Whatever name you go by, you were requested by someone high up in the country to be part of the CIA. You won't be sitting behind a desk and I can say that you will be needing training. You can stay here in Beacon hills but you will be flying to different states and countries most of the week. You will be able to still see your family and friends but you will have to keep a low profile and buy a house in different countries so that no one comes after your family to use them against you. Plus you will have to change your name. We will delete all files that Stiles and/or Thomas ever existed and you will be someone different. We have already assigned a new name. Yours will be Mitch Rapp. Also know that you will be given a wage of $10,000 every two weeks for completing your assignments."

My mouth dropped open and I could feel everyones surprise to. I lower the gun staring shocked. Newt came up by me and whispered,"Tommy. I will support your decision but you got to promise me one thing. That you will always come back to me."

I smiled at him over my should and whispered back always.

Turning back to the man I ask,"What exactly will I be doing?"

The man seemed uncomfortable and he said,"If I tell you, you all will need to keep your mouths shut because this is confidential. You will be an assassin. The government saw everything you could do and how much you can withhold and they thought you would be a worthy candidate. But for reassurance I will be telling you that the people that are in need of assassination are people and terrorists who threaten america. They won't admit it but the higher ups in the government are only using you so they don't get there hands dirty. I promise you won't be put in jail though if someone had evidence. The others you will also be assassinating are people who are threats to the system of america."

I gulp and shakily ask,"How dangerous are these missions going to be."

The man sighed and responded,"Extremely. You will be risking your life 24/7. But like I said there will be training. Someone will pick you up at 6 AM for training then you will be dropped off at home at 5 PM. You will have training everyday. Your training will be hard but I know you will do more than expected."

Nodding I stick my gun in the back of my jeans then sighed,"Alright. I'm in."

The man grinned and then to men walked in and picked up Jansen's body.

I nod and then watch as they leave. Afterwards I sigh and walk out the door to. Minho followed me and asked,"Where are you going?"

Lookig at him for a second I sigh,"I need a run. A nice long maybe five hour run."

Minho nodded and said he was going to just stay at the house. Before I started running Newt came up to me and hugged me. I knew everyone was watching as I hugged him back. When I pulled away I smiled gently and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss. When I pulled away I kissed his forehead and hugged him again.

"I love you Newt. I don't know what I would do without you."

Newt chuckled then said,"I think you would be a lost puppy."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes but admitted it was true.

I gave him one last kiss before I turned around and sprinted down the road.

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