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"I have ice powers," I confessed to Rapunzel, who was laying beside me on the grass. It only seemed fair that I tell her my secret, just as she told me hers.

I sat up and picked up my staff. I pointed it at the nearest tree trunk and shot ice at it.

Rapunzel sat up sharply and stared at the tree. Then she stood up and ran over to it, and brushed the ice with her fingertips.

"Wow! You really have ice powers? Can you make more?" She asked excitedly.

I smiled and shot ice into the air. The ice exploded and little snowflakes floated down from the sky.

She stared at the snowflakes and laughed gleefully. She started to twirl among them and I watched her. She stopped and looked toward me, a big smile on her face.

"Is this.... snow? Wow, it must be! I've never seen it or played with it.... You know, since I've never been out of my tower before." She  stuck out her hand and let a snowflake land in it. She watched it melt.

Wait- she's never been outside? Ever? 

"So- you've never been outside your tower before?"


"Why not? Didn't you ever try to leave?"



"'s complicated. My mother didn't want me to leave, because she thought people would try to hurt me and cut my hair."

"And you trusted me."

She looked up and smiled a bit at me.

"Well, I've always really wanted to see what it's like out here. And you seemed like a nice enough person."

I laughed. "Well, I promise I won't let anything hurt you."

She looked at me, a grateful smile on her face. "Thanks."

Now I had to show her snow.

"And you've never seen snow."


"Well, you've been missing out on a lot."

I laughed and pointed my staff on the ground, making piles of snow until the area we were in was covered in snow.

Rapunzel looked so happy, scooping up small piles and throwing it into the air and squeezing it together.

I leaned on my staff and watched her for a bit, a half foregotten smile on my face. She looked so beautiful, playing in the snow.

Suddenly, something cold hit me in the face and I heard Rapunzel laughing. 

"Oh, you want a snowball fight?" I said, laughing along, wiping the snow off my face. 

"Well, just remember, you asked for it." 

I scooped up some snow, made a ball, and blew on it. The snowball turned a glowing blue before it returned to its normal color. I faced Rapunzel and threw the ball. It hit her in her stomach and made her stumble backwards. She lost her balance and fell into the snow. We were laughing hard and I loved being around Rapunzel. She was pretty and was a lot of fun. 

But Rapunzel was a mouthful. I had to think of a nickname for her. 

Soon, however, we had to get going if we wanted to see the lights in time. We continued our trek through the forest.

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