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I ran through the woods, my heartbeat pounding around in my head while my bare feet pounded the forest floor. I clutched my armful of hair to my chest and didn't stop running as I twisted around to see if I was being followed. I turned my vision back to the path in front of me.

I took a sharp turn right and dove behind a clumb of bushes. I hugged my knees to my chest and tried to catch my breath.

I listened for any sounds that sounded like they hadn't been made by an animal. It was completely silent, except for the occasional chirp of a bird.

I let out a breath and tried to collect myself and think.

Something had happened. Right when Hiccup held the dagger up to my hair, it was like- it was like something had washed over me, something ice cold, like somebody had dumped a bucket of water on me. And as soon as it washed over me, I had abruptly realized that we were in the middle of the woods.

We were in the middle of the woods. And Hiccup was holding a blade to my hair.

Shock had flooded through and I gasped and hadn't moved.

It was coming back to me now- not all of it, but I remembered the important parts.

A curse, a cell, a dark cloud surrounding me and Jack.

Our kiss.

But it wasn't a kiss, I reminded myself. We almost kissed, but we didn't.

I had to reverse the curse.

A while back before any of this happened, when we were sitting around the fire sharing our stories, Merida had mentioned a witch.
The witch that turned her mom into a bear.

Now all I had to do was find the witch's cottage, and ask her to give me a potion or something that could reverse the spell.

But Merida had found the witch all the way back in Dunbroch. There was no way I could run there and back before someone got out of control and seriously hurt or killed someone else.

I heard movement and I shrank deeper into my hiding place behind the bushes.
A figure landed in front of me with his back facing me.


I had to get out of here, now.
"I'm sorry Jack," I mumbled quietly before picking up my frying pan and standing.

He perked up and started to turn around.

But before he could turn around and see me, I slammed the pan on the back of his head.

As soon as he fell, I started running again.
I didn't know how to get where I was going, but I knew if I stayed in one spot for long, they would find me, so it was safer to be on the move.
A while later, I stopped running, and panting, I placed my hands on my knees and looked around to see where I was.

The area I was in didn't look familiar, thought I was still in the middle of some woods.

I wondered how long I had been running.

I looked toward the trees and noticed something carved into the trunks.

An arrow.

There were arrows carved into a lot of trees, leading me somewhere. Pascal and I exchanged glances, and I began to cautiously follow the direction of the arrows.

After a bit, we came to a clearing in the woods, and there was a small cottage in the middle of it.

I approached it cautiously and lightly pushed the door open, revealing tons of wooden figures everywhere, dangling on the ceiling and sitting on tables.

I was amazed and stepped inside, trying to take all of it in at once. Who would have time to carve all of these? They were so well done!

"Take a look around, you can see anything you like," a voice called out and I yelped.

Heyy! :D school is back:( and now I can't be a free spirit anymore :(
"A few days ago I was a free spirit, and now I need your permission to go PEE."
Cya laatersss :)

Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons(The Big Four)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ