Enemies Part Two

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I bolted through the forest, terrified of the idea that they might be behind me, chasing me. I darted behind a tree and leaned against it, catching my breath. 

I felt inside my vest for a dagger that I always kept there, just in case. I yanked it free and held it with both hands, my eyes nervously scanning the surrounding trees for any moving thing in sight.

I heard something above my head and I gasped, whirling away from the tree and staring up into the branches.

For a moment, I thought I saw a flash of gold.

But nothing happened. 

I turned my attention back to the ground and stared into the depths of the forest. 

I felt something wrap around my wrist.

"Wha-" I managed before the stuff yanked my fist forward, making me punch myself.

"Oof!" I was dazed, but I guessed I was up against Rapunzel.

I yanked my fist out of her hair's grasp only to have another strand wrap around my ankle and lift me into the air. I struggled to untangle myself and I dropped to the floor. I whipped out my dagger and she wound a golden strand around it, pulling it out of my hand and hurling it across the grass. She wrapped her hair around my fist, making me punch myself again. 

I fell against the tree, trying to focus my vision. I saw a her drop out of the tree and walk slowly towards me, holding her frying pan with both of her hands and arms outstretched.

I cleared my vision and looked around for my dagger. It was lying a few feet away. I stretched my hand out and snatched it. I grabbed some of her hair with my other hand and held my dagger up to her hair.

She gasped and her eyes widened. 

I narrowed my eyes at her and pressed the blade harder.

For a moment, she didn't move and I didn't press any harder, but didnt remove the blade.

Then a deafening roar split the air and a night fury landed between me and Rapunzel, wings outstreched and green eyes slits. It crept forward slowly, knocking Rapunzel to the floor with his swishing tail. She gathered her hair up in her arms and ran back into the forest. But that was the least of my problems.

Toothless's face was inched from mine. He opened his mouth and I screwed my eyes shut, preparing for a roar.

It never came. Instead, the air in front of me was getting warmer until I heard a blast and everything went black.



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