Chapter Fifteen

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Alex's POV

"Where is mom?" 
Mikey is silent. Just this action makes my heart sink.
"Mikey. Where the FUCK IS MOM?!" I ask again.
"..alex.. im so sorry." he says, he sounds heart broken. 
"NO! SHE'S NOT GONE!.." I pause. "shes not gone.." 
"im flying home today. she gave me something to give to you." he says. I quietly mumble an okay before hanging up the phone. 
After the whole incident the case was dropped. His parents were sent to prison for child abuse and we got plane tickets back home. We also got one for Jake who agreed to come with us. 
After a long hard day we are finally back home. Frank picked us up from the airport.
When he pulled into Gerards driveway I saw Mikeys car parked there. I take a deep breath and get out of the car. Andy walks over to me and puts his arm around my shoulders.
"Come on baby, you have to face him sooner or later." he says. I nod and the two of us slowly walk into the house. 

I see Mikey sitting on the couch next to Gerard, Ray is on the other side of him. Gerard is reading a letter while tears stream down his face. Mikey notices my presence and gets up from his place on the couch. 
"hey, alex.." he reaches into his back pocket and pulled out an envelope, assumably similar to Gerards, "mom gave this to me.. she asked me to five this to you." he says. 
I mumble a thank you as I take the note. I look at it and head to my room, not wanting to open it in front of the others. The only person I allow in the room is Andy.
I sit on my bed and look at the envelope in my hands. I just stare at it, not knowing if I want to read the contents inside. The last words my mother wanted to stay to me but never got the chance to. 
"I love you, don't ever forget that."
"Mom, I'm just moving, it's not like somebody's dying. But I love you too."
I had no idea. But Mikey knew, he knew the whole time and didn't have the audacity to tell me. He told me to move in with Gerard. He didn't want me with mom. That bastard!

"Why don't you open it baby?" Andy says, breaking me from my thoughts. 
"I don't know.." I say. I flip the envelope over and run my fingers along seam where it was sealed. 
I slowly start to open it. My hands shake as I pull the letter out of the envelope. I see her handwriting scribbled all over the page. I sigh and begin to read.
"Dear Alex,
I'm so so sorry I didn't tell you anything about this before. You're probably really confused. A few months ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. I was being treated for awhile l but when the doctors told me that the treatments were no longer going to work I knew I had to do something. I couldn't find a way to tell you, so I thought the best decision was to send you away. I know that you are probably mad at Mikey for that, but don't be. It was my choice, not his. 
I love you so so much Alex. My sweet baby girl. Please don't hate me. I just didn't know how to tell you. I know I should've but I just couldn't. 
I know you're going to do great things Alex, in your own way. Mikey told me what you did to save that Jinxx kid. You were willing to throw the rest of your life away to save one kid. You always put others before you. You've done it your whole life.
I remember when you were back in 3rd grade, it was winter and freezing outside. A little girl in your class didn't have a winter coat. We later found out that was because her dad was really sick and all their money went toward treatment for him. Even though you had to walk home, you saw her freezing outside a recess and gave her your coat. By the time you got home later that day you were as frozen as an icicle and I was furious. But you didn't care because you knew that girl was warm. 
You can really change the world. 
Alex, I have a really big favor to ask of you. Take care of Gerard please. I know he isn't going to take this news well. I don't expect you to either. Just, please keep him out of drugs and make sure he eats.
Andy is a good kid. He really cares about you. He had a conversation with me that night you two stayed here. 
I told him about my condition but begged him not to tell you. We talked and he told me he really really liked you. That ever since the night you saved him from his dad he always felt the need to repay you. I know I'm clearly not very good a picking men but, I really think that he's a keeper. 
Alex, please never forget how much I love you. I wish I could be there for the rest of your life. But please know that Mikey and Gerard and the rest of the guys will always be there for you. 
I love you baby girl. More than you'll ever know. Keep doing what you do. 
Inside this envelope I left you my necklace. It was originally my grandmothers, she gave it to my mom when she died, my mom to me and now me to you. Please take good care of it. 
I know me telling you all of this through writing won't have as much value as it would if I could actually tell you this in person. 
I don't know what else to say..
Just remember that I'm always watching over you. I love you baby girl, more than you'll ever know.
Love, mom."

I had tears streaming down my face. He knew! He fucking knew!

I turned to look at Andy with nothing but pure hatred. 

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