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Warning: triggering themes ahead. Please be safe and do not read if themes involving depression upset you. Stay safe and stay happy and remember I'm always here to talk ❤️

Two more pages and the book would be finished.

Two more pages and Jungkook felt no closer to figuring out what role 'Jiminie' had played in his life

The young boy felt ridiculous for believing for even a second that he would be able to remember such a big part of his childhood. He was angry at himself for believe that things could get better.

He was angry, disappointed, hopeless, lost


God he was so sad and he didn't know how to handle it. The burning feeling inside his chest carved its way up to his mouth to escape as a choked sob. Tears fell from his puffy eyes as he panted and tried to center his balance. But nothing helped.

He stumbled his way to the bathroom, falling against walls and stumbling over discarded items

4 missed calls and 3 unread messages from YoonYoon

He made his way through his draws, his fingers frantically searching for the one thing that could bring him comfort right now. The one thing that would help keep him sane

3 missed calls and 12 unread messages from Tae

His fingers clasped around the small metal object as he sighed in a mixture of relief and misery. Jungkook let himself sink down into the empty bath tub as he rolled up his sleeves. Pale white lines both delicate and rough contrasted against his flushed skin. He let his head fall back against the bath frame as he dragged the metal smoothly across his skin. He ignored the sting and reverted his eyes from watching the thin crimson liquid run down his arm.

The boy made several more cuts before cleaning himself up.

Two more pages before he would have to give up on this fantasy he had let himself believe in.

just a quick message sorry!

I would really appreciate it my readers could comment on/share my book. Obviously if you don't want to that's completely fine, but if you could I would really appreciate it

The second thing I wanted to ask is if anyone would be interested in a sequel? I already have ideas for it and this book is very close to its end so I would really appreciate it if you guys who actually DO read the book could tell me if you wanted more

thank you ❤️

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