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Dear Diary,
Today was our last day at kindy. Jiminie wore a skirt again and I said he looked super duper cute
Then when mummy came to pick us up after kindy even mummy said he was pretty! So that must mean it was true

We went to get ice cream and we both got to choose our toppings cos we are big kids now. And mummy let us stay up till 8 and watch Brave! It was so cool. Jiminie was scared of the meanie bear but I promised I would protect him cos I'm big and strong!
Jiminie giggled and kissed me again but this time he kissed me on the lips!! Jiminie said I was super pink... but so was he

I really like my Jiminie


Jungkook sighed as he read over and over the last page in the book. As expected, nothing happened. He couldn't remember anything more from his childhood. Now he was simply frustrated and even more curious than he had previously been

All he knew now was what? He had a childhood crush on one of his friends that he cant even remember the face of? That was it? Frustrated, Jungkook let out a bitter laugh as he closed the book and picked up his phone

That stupid book did nothing to help.

What do you mean?

I learnt literally nothing from that book, it just made me even more curious about whatever the hell happened in my childhood. But as usual, I can remember. It's hopeless.

It's not hopeless Kook. You may be finding it difficult right now, but it won't last forever. There must be a way for you to remember your past because you have never forgotten Tae or I

But I don't know HOW!

I'm so tired of feeling like I don't know myself

I just wish someone could help me

The only one who can help you is yourself Kook

And how am I supposed to do that? I can't exactly tell myself what happened over ten years ago

Actually you can.

We have another book for you.

That is the end of 'Forgotten'. Thank you for read my book!

There will be a sequel out soon called 'Help Me Remember'. If you enjoyed this book then please go and read that one aswell

Thank you for reading! ❤️

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