Alois x Paladin! Reader || Crossover

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To be honest, I have no idea what to write about. I'll try though! Anyway, I've got a day off school today so I decided to update. :)
NOTE: This new Wattpad is kinda tripping me out, lol. Are any of you feeling the same way too? I like it, but I'm not used to it. :p
*just got an idea!!
-this will be a crossover between Black Butler and Voltron
-you are from the Voltron universe as a Paladin of the (Dark) Grey Lion
Your POV

"Everybody calm down and trust me!"

"Guys!" I yell, gaining their attention, "Just shut up and go with it! What do we have to lose?"

They all grumble small agreements as Keith thanks me before we all barrel towards the main Galra ship. We begin firing lasers at it and ripping it open on the sides. It begins to look up for us until the ship fires a beam at us, knocking us far away.

We all scream and hang onto our seats as we spin round and round, heading towards a planet that looks similar to Earth. We enter the atmosphere and it starts to feel hot. Voltron breaks apart and we're all back to our separate lions right as we hit the surface of the planet.

Everyone groans in pain, our connection to one another a bit choppy from the fall.

After recovering from the crash landing, Pidge shouts, "We've lost contact with the princess!"

"Good news is we've lost the Galra ship," Hunk tries to cheer us up before vomiting off screen, causing everyone else to wince and look away.

I shakily stand up and hold my head, having fallen out of my chair from the harsh landing. Lance gasps when he looks at me. "YN! You're bleeding!"

The attention immediately snaps to me as my teams eyes widen. Hunk is even back in view now at the mention of someone getting hurt. I shake my head, feeling the blood seep between my fingers as I dismiss, "I-I'm fine, guys. Just had a-a fall."

"We need to get you some help," Keith says, them nodding in agreement. "Let's meet up in her lion."

I sit back down and wait for my team, and I see their lions coming closer to surround my own. It's as if they're trying to protect me while my friends come to help.

My lion drops her jaw for my friends to rush inside. They gather around me and Shiro kneels in front of me to look at the damage.

He removes my hand and narrows his eyes at my forehead, the blood flowing heavily. He moves my hand back to press against it again and motions for Pidge to step forward.

She does and rips some cloth from her shirt before I could protest, and sets it on my wound under my hand until we can actually get bandages for it. As I stand, Lance and Keith help hold me up, surprisingly not fighting over who helps me with walking.

Shiro and Pidge stand, Hunk beside them as we walk out. Shiro says, "Let's ask around the area to see if anybody can help her."

Once we exit from my lion and leave the circle of lions around mine, we notice that they fly off to find somewhere to hide for the time being on Hunk's command.

Well, not so much a command as it was a question. Same difference, though.

We don't know who the people are on this planet, so we have no clue on how they'd react to our giant robotic lions that we save the galaxy with.

As we all walk around, the people we see are wearing Victorian clothes. The ones on the sidewalks are mainly villagers or townsfolk while the ones in the more fancy clothing must be the nobles.

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