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25 november 2018
11:11 pm

to the people who are lost
have broken dreams
don't have a dream
have unreachable dreams,
i want you to know that you will find dreams,
if not today then tomorrow,
if not tomorrow then a week,
a month,
a year,
you'll get to what your heart needs,
to be content.
you'll wander
you'll stumble
you'll fall to your knees,
but keep in mind you will get back up
you'll wander again,
but wiser and more aware
you'll start retracing your tracks
you'll choose the right choices and decisions,
perhaps not always but surely you'll get
there -the place of contentment-
if you haven't found your dream yet,
you will.
you can't be lost forever after all
you'll be found one way or another
you will find your dream
chase after it
stumble a few times and get some scratches here and there
maybe a few hopeless days,
but you'll get there,
for all it needs to catch a good ol' dream
is to chase after it even through
the darkest of days.
last but not least,
there's no such thing as
an unreachable dream
for a dream could be reached
if one could learn to
learn from thy mistakes,
and keep going however long.
don't let such a word as
hold you back.


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