
11 1 0

18 january 2020

the sky dimmed as the clouds gathered overhead
the rain started to make small puddles on the street
as the droplets made tip tap sounds on the asphalt
that can only be described
as aggressive sounds of the water
battling the asphalt seeing if it can pass through it.

i stood limply in the middle of the empty road
i could feel the ice cold droplets
making their way into my flimsy jacket
down my neck and into my back
as it drove violent shivers all over my body
goosebumps started to rise on my skin

yet all that i can think of is how refreshing
the rain can be
and how freezing cold it was.

i couldn't get myself to move from the spot
i've been stuck to for an hour now
with an empty head
as well as
a heavy heart
absolutely nowhere to go.

i felt lost although i had so many places to go and take shelter,
but the problem wasn't with the fact that i couldn't choose;
it was because none of those seemed to serve as an actual shelter.
it appears that i have no place to go
and all because none of them seemed safe.

so i stood with slumped shoulders and relished in the feeling of the rain making its way down my face with closed eyes, trying to listen closely if i could hear anything other than the rain- i couldn't hear anything other than the trees rustling its leaves in the distance- it all felt so overwhelmingly calm even though the sounds of the wind and the splashing of water certainly wasn't at all quiet.

it was freezing cold and yet i couldn't seem to find a better place to be, to empty my head of unnecessary thoughts.


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