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"why are you here?"

Jungkook perks up when he hears Taehyungs shaky voice from downstairs. He was upstairs in his best friends room waiting as Taehyung answered the front door. Jungkook doesn't even need the person to answer to know exactly who it is.

The younger gets up immediately and rushes to the top of the stairs where he sits down on the top step, listening in closely.

"Hello to you too" Minjae says.

"I said why are you here?" Taehyung repeats, stronger this time, yet his voice still shaky.

Minjae let's out a deep sigh. "I think I left a few things here"

"No" Taehyung says flatly. "I chucked whatever you left away"

"You what?" Jungkook frowns at Minjaes harsh tone.

"You can go now"

Minjae stops the boy from closing the door on him. "Wait, Tae. I came to apologise aswell"

"I don't need your apology now. It's a bit late don't you think?"

"Can't we put this behind us? I've said sorry many times can't you just forgive me? You forgave me the first time"

Taehyung scoffs. "Yeah and look where that lead us to. No I can't forgive you anymore. I tried the first time you cheated on me. I was stupid enough to even believe you after that. I'm done. Leave. Please." He is trying to be harsh, but he can't help but mutter a small please. It was hard to suddenly stop being to kind to someone you were so close too.

"Fine. Suit yourself. You're going to be forever alone if you can't forgive someone after they're sorry." And just if Taehyung isn't upset enough, he continues. "I'm surprised you didn't realise the truth sooner, you're too easy to fool."

At that point Jungkook was ready to run down the stairs and punch the guy but Taehyung was already quick to react.

"You asshole!" Taehyung shouts, throat sounding dry. "don't ever come back!"

Jungkook flinches at the sound of the door slamming. The house drops silent as Taehyung didn't move.

The younger boy stands up and slowly makes his way down the stairs, trying not to startle his friend. As he got halfway down, the sight of Taehyung falling to the floor with his head in his hands cane into view. That's when Jungkook bolts it the rest of the way until he was at Taehyungs side wrapping his arms around him. The older is by no means startled, instead he quickly welcomes the warmth and comfort of his best friends touch, falling into his arms and clutching onto his shirt.

"Hyung" Jungkook felt his heart shatter seeing Taehyung cry. The feeling of his best friend whimpering into his shoulder was heart breaking. He hates seeing Taehyung like this. In these situations Jungkook was never sure what to say in order to comfort him. "Don't listen to that jerk "

Taehyung didn't say anything, he just continued to cry.

Jungkook has to fight his own tears off before he pats the boy on the back. "Let's get up, come on." The younger helps Taehyung to his feet and leads him upstairs by hand.

Once they were back in the bedroom, Jungkook sits Taehyung on the bed and closes the door. Then with some tissues he found on Taehyungs desk, he pulls out a sheet and begins wiping the older boy's eyes, dabbing up all the tears.

Taehyung stares at the floor, sniffling, as he let Jungkook take care of him. The younger brushes the hair, that was now clinging to his forehead slightly damp, gently out of the way. His fingertips carefully trace the side of his face and travelling along his jawline until they reach Taehyungs chin, where Jungkook tilts the boy's face up. Taehyungs eyes flutter up and meet his. Jungkook is stuck in a trance with Taehyungs immense beauty that he has to forcefully snap out of it and continue what he is doing.

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