Chapter 5 Awake

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Lance POV
some voice was yelling at me but I couldn't quite find the energy to get up why should I get up it's not like I have anything to live for Keith is still in a coma the time doesn't really care about me so I think I will just sleep
again there is that stupid voice what does it want anyway it's not like whatever they need me for is something so important to disturb me in from my nightmares
"Pidge language," Shiro said from another room
"Whatever, lance wa..."
"WHAT"I finally screamed at this point, I was kind of angry for people disturbing while trying to sleep but as soon as pidge said what she said I was racing down the castle hallways. Keith was awake he was alive I keep running and running till I made it to the room. There he stood alive and well I never thought I would get to see him face to face without a panel of glass between us blocking our love from each other ( I know kinda cheesy ). 

"Keith OMG you're okay" I raced over to him to give him a hug I can't believe he's back 

"Keith back I...I Just...why you said stopped" I was crying at this point I felt like I had let him down I felt as though my world was crumbling.

"I'm so sorry Lance this won't happen again I promise I just want to know when I can start moving again" Keith seemed happy

" Do you know what's it's like to have something one minute and then the next it's not there this has been going on for months Keith, you would hurt yourself and I would feel myself losing you then you would be okay then you wouldn't then you would be in a coma for 2 months. Every time I had you, you would leave. I ran out of depression and anxiety meds long ago it hurts to move Keith why do you do this you have me, Keith......, you can talk to me. This is the last time I am going to do this for you the next time you try and pull this and end up with yourself in another coma I won't be around to watch you come out of it I will be long gone" 

I couldn't handle it anymore I just couldn't the fact that Keith kept hurting himself was enough for me to put me out of my misery but the fact that the whole team didn't give two fucks about how I FELT JUST MAKES IT WORSE. When Keith hurt himself everyone was worried about him because of that they started to say things like "THIS IS YOUR FAULT LANCE" "YOU DID THIS ASSHOLE" at first I didn't believe them but as time went on I did I believed it all and it tore me down into shreds.

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