Chapter 7: Trust?

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"Yeah I won't hurt you" Randy said as he smiled, then for the first time ever I smiled as he left the room.

(I don't have bold stuff on my Ipad since I'm type/writing at school so ima do caps if u don't mind! While I'm at school) RANDY's P.O.V


"Guys LISTEN UP, I have a plan"

"What is it Randy" One of the guys say

"Yea what is it, are we gonna beat her up or not like we always do with greasers!" Another one says

"Yeah are we?!" Another one said

"Well Yes we are but about that, it involves the plan" I said

"Ok..." All of the guys say

"So guys, i came up to her and she just backed up against the wall like she was ready for a punch. So I think 'we' in all of us should get her to trust us athen we turn our backs on her like we're not nice and beat her up every day until I wanna throw her out. Ok? Understand the plan?"

"Yes, Perfect idea! What do you think Bob?" All of them say except bob

"I say that it's a perfect idea! Also get her name too" Bob said

"Ok then let's do it and yeah I will get her name or Tyler will" I said

Lyrics P.O.V


I sat back on the bed, but I still thought how I even ended up here whatever, he seems nice so I will trust him and his friends. I layed back on the bed and fell asleep.

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