Chapter 4 Trust Exercise

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Alien's P.o.v

Dawn threw three bags on the metal table making a loud crash against the hard surface. She sighs and starts to open them while I put my gloves on.

"Why can't Dusk or Nova do this, I don't want to get a disease." She whines as she walks over to me, taking a pair of fabric gloves I hand to her from the supply cabinet.

"Because they are doing something that I have asked them to do, now are you going to do the same or am I going to have to ask you to leave?" I asked which in turn made her look down at her hands. I nodded and walked over to the bags and began looking through them, taking out things as I went along. "Now go through that bag while I go through this one." I said and watched as Dawn walked to my side and started searching through it, looking for anything harmful to the humans or us. Dawn pulled out a metal object that to me looked like the same thing as what the humans call a gun.

"What's this weird contraption?" She asked as she twirled it around in her hand.

"I believe that is what the humans call a gun...and unless you want to get shot at with a metal bullet I suggest you put it down." I said continuing to pull clothes and other objects out of the bags I was looking through. She silently put the gun down and began looking through the bag some more, then I noticed the door open and Dusk walked in.

"So, find anything interesting?" He asked and Dawn began to shake her head.

"Just a gun." She said which seemed to have peaked his interested because he quickly walked over to her.

"Oh that sounds nice, is it like a ray gun? Like the Galrians have?" He asked and I nodded.

"But I think the ray guns are a bit more deadly." Dawn said and Dusk nodded starting to help Dawn take things out of the bag.

"Where's Pip?... I seen him go into the kitchen with Nova but kind of figured he'd be on his way here." He says as I sigh, looking through another bag which seems to belong to the same human seeing as the clothes seem to be bit similar.

"Pip is taking food to subject 1 while Nova takes food to subject 2." I said as Dusk looked up at me.

"You think he'll be ok?...I mean will he be safe around the human by himself?" He asked seeming a bit worried but I reassured him.

"He will be fine around subject 1, I am testing a theory and if it works I will be using Pip to gain subject 1's trust." I said as I pulled out the drawing book that Pip took out of these bags.

Celest's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of the entrance door sliding open making me quickly look up to see a less tall alien. He looked a bit different from the other alien that was here before. I was so focused on him walking into the padded room with the doors closing behind him, that I almost didn't notice the tray of food he was holding.

"Hello, my name is Solar but everyone calls me Pip." He says as he slowly gets closer to me. I try scooting back more into the corner of the wall, even though my back was already pressed up against it.
"It's alright, I won't hurt you." He says softly as he crouches down in front of me and sets the tray of food down on the floor. I looked from the tray to him and then back down at the tray, it looked good and I was hungry no doubt but I was too scared to eat it....what if they put something in it that could put me to sleep or something.
I brought this for you, if you didn't already know..." He says; I guess he noticed my hesitance but even still, I didn't want to eat it.
"I know you have to be hungry, its been a while since we've left earth and I'm pretty sure you haven't eaten since then. He says sparking my curiosity a bit.

" long been?" I asked, hesitation lining my words as they stammered from my lips.

"Oh...well if I am correct we should be going past the planet you guys call'd say 5 hours?" He says making my eyes widen. 'How did we get to Pluto so fast?...The scientist on earth can't even figure out how to get to Pluto let alone be there in 5 HOURS??!!' I thought rubbing my forehead in confusion.

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