Chapter 5 "The Break Out" (part 1)

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Celest's P.o.v

I spent most of my time putting the room the way I wanted... it helped keep my mind off of the fact that I'm some aliens experiment. I was starting to pull the bed across the room to the wall, that was nearest to the door, so when they opened the door they wouldn't see me unless they walked fully in. As I was doing so the door to my room slid open and in came Saros holding my two pillows and blanket.

" I see you've moved some things." He said looking around the room before laying his eyes on me... or well his glass face? I ignored him and continued moving the bed but was interrupted.
"Here, let me help you." He says lifting his hand slowly, and all of a sudden shadows from every nook and cranny began to slither out across the floor like snakes, picking the bed up a small bit in the air and moving it over towards the wall. The shadows put the bed down and scattered back to their holes when the alien lowered his hand to his side. I looked at him in terror but also a bit of shock at what he had just done.

" You.....You can control shadows?..." I asked and he took a deep breath in looking from the bed to me.

"I control Darkness." He simply says while sighing. My mind flooded with questions, but I wasn't about to ask him any of them, and then his comment reminded me of something.

"Hmm." I said continuing to think.

"What is it?" He asked catching the noise I made.

" I just....your comment reminded me of the Goddess Nyx....she was the Goddess of night and darkness." I said which seemed to have amused him considering he snickered the tiniest bit.

"Well I can assure you I am no god....nor am I a goddess...." He said beginning to walk towards me, which in turn made me take some steps back. " I'm not going to hurt you, I would just like to hand you your belongings." He says softly holding them out to me. I stood there, staring at him for a moment until I decided to hesitantly take a step forward and reach for my things, taking them out of his hands quickly. "See, that wasn't so hard now was it?" He asked with a slight sarcastic tone, and if he had a face I'm sure he'd be smirking. I rolled my eyes and quickly walked towards the bed; laying my pillows out first and then resting my blanket on top of them. "Here in a bit I will have Solar come get you for a physical." He says making me furrow my brows.

"Why?" I asked seeming a bit irritated but still cautious of my words.

"It is for me to see what experiments I am able to do with you." He says making me a bit frustrated at his answer.

"So more or less to see what my body can take of your torture." I said crossing my arms, as he shrugs and sighs to my statement.

"If that is how you'd like to describe it, then yes." He said moving his hand about as he talked making me sigh and turn away from him, very irritated with this situation. I see him bow slightly out of the corner of my eye and as he lifts himself back up he walks over to the still opened door. "You may want to use your time wisely, because it wont be long before Solar comes to get you." He says as he walks out the door and shuts it behind him. Sitting down on the bed, I rolled my eyes, pondering on his comment. 'I should use the time that I have wisely....' I thought as I grabbed my duffle bag that was sitting at the bottom of the bed and took out a pair of black mesh shorts with built in shorts underneath, a Penny Wise oversized t-shirt that said 'You'll float too', underwear, bra, towel and soap for my body and hair. When I made sure everything was there, I gathered it up and walked into the bathroom. It was a simple bathroom with a toilet, shower, sink, counter, and cabinets, just had a bit more space then I expected. Placing my things on the counter I turned the water on in the shower and waited a minute so it could get warm, I didn't have to wait long though. When it got just right I closed the door and began to undress.

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