Sane and Secrets Revealed.

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Natasha's pov.

I watched as Raphael placed a hand on the glass, staring up at my daughter that seemed to be frozen still, studying him intensely.

She shrieks madly as he steps back to study her more.

She manages to get her fist through the glass and smiles wickedly at everyone. Wanda hyperventilates as Jada becoming like black mist and seeps through the hole, before reforming into her shadow figure from before.

"When one falls... they ALL FALL!"Jada's voice was deep and demonic as she lunges at the closest person...and that being Raphael.

Raphael dodges the attack swiftly and looks up at Jada with a strange look...eyes full of love and hope.

"C'mon my little Jewel, do ya remember me, sweetheart? It's me, Raph. Ya best friend."Raphael spoke sweetly, his voice gruff as he holds out his hand for her to take. The white circles as Jada's eyes turn a light shade of green and she stares at Raphael in relief.

Jada's pov.

I was able to regain control of my actions and I smiled down at Raph, but I noticed that I was a dangerous shadow-creature and began to panic, my body beginning to solidify and Raph was able to grab my wrists.

"Jada, look at me."Raph orders but I refused to, guilt clouded my heart. I could have hurt everyone...

Raph gently grabs my chin and makes me look up at him as he gave a reassuring smile.

"Just calm down Jewel, ya are gonna be ok. Nobody got hurt."He informs and I gave a little nod of relief.

I close my eyes and felt my body returning to normal, my clothes had changed into a sexy, style. (Picture Below)

Raph stares wide-eyed at me before chuckling as I carefully hug him, making sure he wasn't being poked or cut by the sharp points on my clothing

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Raph stares wide-eyed at me before chuckling as I carefully hug him, making sure he wasn't being poked or cut by the sharp points on my clothing.

"Thanks, Raph for coming and helping me."I smiled at my best friend and he smirks.

"Why wouldn't I help my best friend? Shorty."He teased and lightly punched my arm.

I laughed and punched his chest lightly, only sending him back a foot. I smirk as he gave a light 'oof,' when the impact was made.

"Easy on the punch girly."Raph huffs before we turn to see my smiling friends and my grinning mother.

"Hey, Raph? How are you guys...human?"I asked in confusion and the 4 boys froze in midstep when they were walking up to me.

"Donatello had created a watches to turn us human, he finished them yesterday morning, the night where you told us you couldn't come because you had not been feeling well."Splinter notifies and I smile at Donnie.

"Nice work Don, you guys look great, but I still like your normal forms, "I commented and he bashfully smiled.

"Turn human? What do you really look like? Disfigured people? More aliens?"Tony spoke sarcastically and I glare at him, making him shut his trap.

"We aren't humans nor aliens. Scientifically we are mutants. Mutant turtles to be exact."Donnie nervously tells them and the 5 mutants push a button on their watch and turn into their normal selves.

"HOLY SH..."I race over and smack my hand over Tony's mouth and glare at him once more and he moves away to hide behind Thor.

"Mutant...Turtles...and a Mutant Rat...ok..."Bucky begins, shock in his tone.

"Go ahead, call us freaks...monsters. We are used to it. But we saved New York TWICE." Raph scowls and turns away.

"THAT'S AWESOME!" Pietro gasps and speeds over to Mikey.

"Wassup dudes and dudettes! Nice to meet ya!"Mikey exclaims and pulls Pietro into one of his death hugs.

"Mikey! He needs to breathe!"I scold and Mikey laughs nervously before setting down a pale looking speedster.

I chuckle softly before the turtle brothers look at me.

"Why Dontcha show them ya mutant turtle form Jewel?"Raph grins and I smirk, placing my hands on my hip and sticking it out to the side with sass, I shift into my turtle form. (Picture at the top)

Raph immediately blushes and I chuckle.

"Oi, you asked me to, remember?"I tease and he scoffs, crossing his arms over his plastron as I copy his stance.

"How about we go into your training room to pass the time? W...we could maybe show you some of our Ninjutsu skills..."Donnie suggests and everyone nods.

"I'll join in, "I exclaim excitedly and Mikey excitedly follows me to the closet training room.

10 minutes later everyone finally got into the training room. Since the boys would be training in turtle form, only two turtles can fit in a single elevator, so they had to take a few trips.

Leonardo Vs. Raphael

Donatello Vs. Michelagelo

Me vs. Winner

'I wonder who I may be fighting.'

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