When She Realizes Her Feelings.

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Jada's Pov:

She sighed heavily on the roof of Stark's Tower, she sat at the edge of the building, her legs dangling in the air over the side, her head in her hands that were placed on her knees.

Her thoughts were always heading towards Raph, her favorite things included him being there with her, she'd miss him at night when he would have to go back home since they didn't take the offer of living with the Avengers and her. She respected Splinter's worries of being found by an old enemy of theirs and didn't want the Avengers involved unless it was too serious.

Whenever he's angry she just wants to be the one to calm him down so easily.

Whenever he's upset she wants to hug him and tell him everything will be alright.

Yet she feels something else in her heart.

She felt so empty without him yet she can still go around with her everyday life and process it.

Yet she misses him.

Her heart soars whenever he's around.

She likes him being flirtatious with her and teasing her about other things.

She feels butterflies in her stomach whenever she catches him looking at her, which was A LOT.

Her eyes widen and she chuckles softly. She had feelings for that softy.

"Let's see where time gets us."

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