sticky love letters | lisoo

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Happy Valentines' Day!
Lisoo is my favorite ship.
I love the other ships too but I'm just softer for this ship.
lmao im so late.
TAGS : Valentine's' Day, best friends, cute (?), lalisa gets a crush

It's February 10. 4 days before Valentine's.
You seem really happy about it, chu. You must have a date.

Lisa was awoken by her deep thoughts when the bell rang. Obviously making sure students know that it's already lunchtime. She walked towards her best friend's room.

"Jisoo?" Lisa looked at the smiling brunette, obviously such a happy student nearing their usual place in the canteen.
"Yes, Lisa?"
"Do you have a date for Valentine's? Or do people write you love letters or something?" 
"Hmmm.. Nobody asks me out and nobody writes anything."


"They are missing out, like you are so sexy." Lisa got slapped by Jisoo.
"Stop that! You are too nice." She blushed as she replied.
"Haha! Sure I am.." Lisa stared lovingly at the other

- Lisa's POV
When I heard her say that she doesn't receive any letters, I decided I would give her 6 sticky notes everyday until Valentine's.
I started writing one today, first one just after lunch.

Hey Kim Jisoo,
This is a letter from me to you, and this is from your secret admirer. I think you're pretty. Scratch that, you are pretty.

I stuck that note on her chair in our next class.
We had the same schedule except for the one before lunch.
I can't wait to see her reaction.
She saw the note and I smiled from my chair about two tables behind hers.

She's reading it...okay.... HEY!!! She's keeping it in her pocket! Ayeee! Team Lisa 1, Team Jisoo... um.... undecided for now. Meanwhile, I should just focus on the lesson.... oh my god.
She's writing something back?! Oh my god!?!?!?
My heart started to beat a little bit faster, is this what having a crush feels like? No... it's just excitement.
Yes it totally is.

Jisoo looked at me and passed a note to Chaeyoung (the cute person that has a pretty hot girlfriend..)  who passed it to Jennie (the hot person that has a pretty cute girlfriend) and it finally reached me. I opened it and it said;
Lisa! I just got a love letter! What do I do???
I wrote 'Reply, I guess' on the note and gave it to Jennie and the next thing happened.
Jisoo stared at me awkwardly and she had a 'Really, Lisa? That's it?' face.

I mean, I'm the one who wrote that... So I would like a reply..
Thank goodness, class finally ended.. I mean it already has been one hour and thirty minutes.
When we were dismissed, Jisoo immediately scooted over to me.
"Help. What do I do with love letters? I've never had one before, Lisa." She said worriedly.

"Well, first tell me the details, Kim Jisoo. I can't give you advice if I don't know what's happening."  I smirked, knowing I wrote it.
"The person's name was P... who has P in their name here? Anyways, they said I was pretty. I was so flattered." She put her hand over her chest, trying to copy something I guess.
"That's it." She frowned and she tried to hide it but I could see it clearly.

"Hm. I think you should wait for another note or you should reply."
"Lisa, you seem like you really want me to reply."
"Of course I do. I want to see where this goes." I smiled shyly.
"I'm gonna reply." Jisoo looked confident.

Hey P.
You know me huh, why are you interested in me? Anyways, I am flattered. Thank you.

She left the note where I put it.
I replied,

Hey Jisoo,
  I do know you. I'm interested in you because well, you are very nice and very beautiful. You are smart too. I'm more flattered to have a reply from you, a goddess.

After more notes, I have noticed that I fell in love with her more.

   I love you. Very. I know we're just friends but.... you should know that.... P means Pranpiya. Of course, you know who this is.

The next day.

"Lisa." She called me out.
"Ummm." I blurted out.
"Ya know, tommorow is Valentine's Day and...."

And what, Jisoo?

"I need a date so... will you, Lisa, be my date?"

I felt my heart soften and smiled on it's own, which isn't possible but Jisoo made it possible.

"Yes. I would love to."


sorry i'm late my slow butt can't work on these oneshots fast enough.
anyways i have like 5 ideas for oneshots, i'm thinking of one chaesoo and a jenlisa one.
lotta love <3

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