How long they knew you before asking you out

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24 years. He had a crush on you when you were teenagers. He got really jealous when you got a boyfriend and ended up getting over you, but when you broke up with your boyfriend Joe realised he still liked you that way, and asked you out.

He asked you out when you first met! You met at a cafe in London, when you were 25 years old and have been together ever since. You enjoyed going to that cafe together on your anniversary.

11 months. You worked together in a popular movie, and had a one night stand when you got really drunk together (whoops) you got pregnant, and told Rami when you were really upset. He comforted you and you stayed really close until the baby was born. He asked you out when your daughter was a month old.

A few months. You met when you were walking your dog in the park, and you both lost your dogs. You found them together and got along really well. You stayed friends until Ben asked you out on a date. You both got another dog when you moved in together, so you had three dogs living with you.

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