What you did for valentines day

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This was requested by joes_wigs Tysm for requesting💕

He bought you a dozen of roses and a giant teddy bear because you love classic romance. He tried to make your favourite meal at home but failed and almost burnt the house down, so instead he took you to your favourite restaurant. He kept on apologising to you but you just found it funny, and sweet the way he tried.

He proposed! He bought a beautiful engagement ring that you adored, and took you to the park where you had a picnic with wine and your favourite food. You spent the day talking about the wedding and your future family, and stayed till dark to look at the stars together.

He wrote you a love letter. It seemed very simple, but Rami really thought about what he was going to write, and made you cry when you read it. He wrote about when he first met you, your future and how lucky he was to have you. Everything he wrote was really cute. He also gave you your favourite flowers.

He surprised you with tickets to see your favourite band together. He bought expensive ones where you stood near the front of the stage. You thanked him millions of times. When you said thank you once more, Gwilym interrupted you by kissing you unexpectedly. You giggled and held his hand, and enjoyed the rest of the night.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Single people can still enjoy it with their friends y'know:)

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