How many children you have

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One 9 year old called Ruby. You both loved spoiling your daughter rotten, and spending loads of time with her. She loves to bake, so when Rami's busy with interviews and acting etc, you help Ruby bake things for her Dad when he gets home. Ruby loves being surprised by Rami when he picks her up from school after being away filming.

A 3 month old baby called May, and a four year old called Hunter. You cried on Hunters first day at school watching your little boy grow up, whilst Gwilym pretended he wasn't crying. During school time, you enjoyed your available time with Gwil and the baby. You went on walks together, and had quality time with the baby and Gwilym at home. Whilst Gwilym was busy filming, you often took Hunter swimming whilst May's grandparents looked after her. You'd take both the kids to the park and the beach as well.

New born baby twins called Taylor and Thomas. Ben sobbed when they were born, and couldn't take his eyes of them. He couldn't get over how tiny they were, and constantly said how proud he was of you. You named your son Thomas, and of course Ben chose your daughters name, Taylor. When you finally got to go home as a family, you invited all your friends round to see them. Ben basically had to beg for his own baby back when Joe got hold of Taylor. He got very overprotective and was worried about Joe holding her for so long. Ben sulked when you told him to chill, and just trust Joe. You stayed calm and sat next to Rami with Thomas in his arms, and smiled listening to the compliments about your babies from Rami. You agreed with Rami when he said that Thomas had Ben's eyes. When they all went home, and the babies were asleep you were so relieved to have alone time with Ben again. You missed his cuddles.

A nine year old daughter called Hope, a 13 year old daughter called Mia and a 18 year old daughter called Jamie. When your first child was born, you were told by many people you wouldn't be able to handle it because you were too young, but you handled it very well with Joe's help. When Jamie was 5 years old, you had another baby called Mia who you absolutely adored just like Jamie. You and Joe tried to treat both your daughters the same still, as Jamie was an only child for so long so it would take a while for her to get used to it. When Hope was born, Joe spent a lot less time with her because he was filming the Pacific at the time. You struggled to look after her on your own as well as a four year old (Mia at the time) but you managed as your eldest daughter helped you when you needed it. You were so happy when Joe came home, and he spent extra time with his baby. Now you're 8 months pregnant with your baby son, and you and Joe are so excited to finally have a baby boy. Joe's very overprotective when you're pregnant, and makes sure you're okay every second. You do find it sweet, but get frustrated sometimes. You love how he carries your bags for you in case it's too heavy, and the way he puts his arm around you and helps you get in the car.

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