Chapter 1 - Family Feud

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I suck at starting out stories. My bad.

The final bell rang, releasing Peter from the 8-hour prison called school. He saw Steve in his 1980s Camaro pull up to the curb. He climbed into the front seat and buckled up his seatbelt.

"Hey Peter," he said, peeling away from the curb. "How was school?" he spoke, his soft voice soothing from the stressful day. "How's that new kid you've been hanging out with? What's her name?" he snapped his fingers, trying to think of the name. Peter put his right leg over his left leg and leaned back.

"Are you talking about MJ?" he asked, looking up from his phone. "Oh yeah... how is she?" the older man replied, tapping his thumbs in the steering wheel, waiting for his son to answer. Peter turned his head, looking out the window at the other cars.

"She's uh, she's good," he said, picking at the hem of his jeans. The recent conversations he had with Steve had been awkward, ever since he married Tony Stark. "That's good... anyways, we're here," he said, pulling into the 15 car garage of the Stark-Rogers compound.

"Can I please stay with Dad this weekend?" He whined, acting like a five year old. "I don't think Tony likes me." Pops turned off the car and turned to look at me. "Peter Benjamin Stark-Rogers-Barnes. That's a flat out lie and you know it."

Peter cringed at the name. Life had been so good before Steve and Bucky gotten divorced. He had refused to drop the Barnes in his name so Steve gave in, letting him keep the Barnes and adding the Stark.

"The only reason he likes me is because of you," Peter said, frustrated. "He wants to love you, he really does. He was abused by his dad and he can't express the love because of his PTSD." Peter sighed and stepped out of the car. He hoisted his backpack onto his shoulders and walked into the overly large house.

"Tones?" Steve called out to the seemingly empty house. "We are home!" they stepped into the house, the first room was a small back hallway the led into the kitchen. The downstairs was wall-less, the thing separating the "rooms" was furniture. The pair heard footsteps and then Tony exposed himself, kissing the taller man on the lips.

"Hey, Captain," he called, walking over to his husband. "Hey, Pete," he added, ruffling the boy's hair. "Hey, Tony," Peter mumbled, swatted his stepfather's hand away. He pushed past the younger man, throwing his backpack in the white leather, L-shaped couch

"Peter," Steve shot his a warning look. Peter turned around to face his dad, who had his arms crossed. The super soldier raised both eyebrows to say, "watch out, young man." Peter held up his hands in defense. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, father" he groaned, rolling his eyes.

Steve walked over to the over-sized fridge and pulled out some steaks. "Go start your homework, sport. Dinner will be ready in two hours." Peter went up the stone spiral staircase, taking them two at a time. Once he got into his room, he pulled out his phone to text his dad.

Peter: hey dad, we got to Tony's house safely. I hope you're doing alright... miss you ❤️

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

There was a knock on Peter's bedroom door making Peter look up from his homework. A red-haired woman stuck her head in. "Hey, Aunt Nat!" Peter excitedly said, closing his binder and setting his pencil down. He got up and hugged her, squeezing her tight. "Your dad wanted me to let you know that dinner is ready."

Peter and Natasha walked downstairs, to find Bruce, Clint, and Pietro, Steve and Tony already filling up their plates with food. Peter grabbed a plate and walked around the kitchen island, filling his plate with steak, potatoes, and some salad.

Once everyone had finished filling up their plates, they all sat down around the table, laughing and talking. Peter pulled his phone out and looked at his text messages:

Bucky: Hey kiddo! sorry it took so long to get back to you. Glad you made it safely to Tony's house. How's dad? how's Tony treating you? Can't wait to see you, buddy

Peter's fingers hovered over the keyboard, thinking about what to say. Steve put a hand on his son's knee. "Put it away, Peter," he said softly, looking at his son. Peter rolled his eyes but reluctantly did as he was told.

"No, Clint, stop! Dad makes way too many bad puns and jokes!" the teenager whined, balling up his napkin and throwing it at his adoptive uncle. "Both your dads make terrible jokes," Clint chuckled, throwing the napkin back at his nephew.

"Yeah but Dad makes too many of those," Peter retorted. "And I still can, because I have you this weekend."

"Speaking of which... am I going to Pop's house next weekend?" Peter asked, eyeing Tony who was pretending not to care. "Yeah, you are... on Thursday" Steve replied.

"I don't see how Bucky is funny. The schmuck has the world's biggest stick up his ass," Tony grumbled, crossing his arms. "He does not," Peter growled, clenching his fists. "Tony," Steve shot his husband a warning look. Tony turned his head to look at the older Avenger. "What?" he asked. "Don't play dumb, you know what you said" Peter said, standing up and pushing his chair out, knocking it over.

"Hey..." Steve said, placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "Relax, champ."
"Whatever," the boy muttered, dropping his plate in the kitchen sink and running up to his room to finish his homework.

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peace out my guys,


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