Chapter 3 - Home Again

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The car ride was only about forty-five minutes and for the most part, it was quiet, the only conversation was when Bucky asked Peter what he wanted to do over the long weekend. Peter pulled out one of his headphones from his ear, spinning it around his finger.

"Um, I dunno, I thought that we could do..." he tried to think of something the three of them could do without making it feel like he was a third wheel. He started tapping his fingers on the car's window sill, in shallow thought. "Didn't you wanna check out that exhibit at the science museum? What was it?" the Super Soldier turned, looking at his husband.

"Something about meteors," the doctor answered. "That's what it was," Bucky said, snapping his fingers. He looked up in the rear view mirror at Peter. "You wanna do that, kiddo?"

"Oh, um..." Peter felt the awkwardness sink in. "Stop beating around the bush," Stephen smirked. "Just say no, if you don't wanna do it."

They pulled into a 4 car garage attached to a very modern house that had a very blocky design to it. He waited for one of them to unlock the door then walked into the flat.

He walked into the living room, throwing his bag onto the floor and plopping down on the off-white colored couch so he was lying down. He turned on the TV and pulled up Netflix. He spent the next 2 hours, working on his homework and watching movies.

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Peter went into his bedroom for the first time in 2 months. He moved some boxes that were on his bed, putting them to the floor. "Daaad," he whined. "How many time do I have to tell you to not use my room as a storage unit?" He reached for another box, but something caught his eye. He picked up a DVD that had 'Peter Rogers-Barnes/ random clips' written on it in Sharpie.

He put the disk in his teeth and then picked up the box, moving it to the floor. He put the DVD on his pointer finger like it was a ring and spun it around with his thumb. He walked back downstairs, the disc still spinning on his finger. The stairs opened up in the kitchen, where Stephen was cutting onions and Bucky was washing and peeling carrots.

"What's that?" Busky asked, looking up mid-peel. He gestured toward the disc that was in Peter's hand. "I dunno... I found it in my room with the rest of the crap you threw in there," the boy shrugged.

Peter opened up the "family" laptop (it was mostly Stephen's but he allowed everyone to use it) and watched it whirr to life. He popped the disc in and saw a screen pop up and the loading icon spin.

The low-quality resolution loaded, showing a blurry baby, cradled in Bucky's arms. "Do you know how to work that thing?" a voice asks. "Yeah, I know what I'm doing," another voice replies. Peter recognized it as Steve's.

The camera came into a blurry focus, with Bucky sitting down in a chair, surrounded by Clint, Piedro, Natasha, and Bruce. There was a new voice: Tony's. Peter cocked his head at the computer, confused. Why was Tony there? he thought.

The video continued, with the camera moving closer toward Bucky."Hey, baby," Steve cooed. He turned the camera so he was facing it. "Today is May 14, 2001, and Peter Rogers-Barnes is 3 months old," he turned to look at his then-husband, kissing his head. The two supersoldiers smiled at each other and then kissed Peter. Tony walked over to the duo and put his arms around each of them, kissing both of them on the cheek, then Peter. "I love you all, so much," Tony said, squeezing both their shoulders.

The next scene was before Peter was born. The time stamp said 1997. It showed his dad's wedding. All the men were wearing the same black and white tuxedos, Nat and another woman with long brown hair in similar colored dresses.

The disc ended and Peter ejected it, placing it on the marble countertop. Peter went to lie down on the couch, thinking about what he just watched.

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Before he knew it, the weekend was over and Peter was back in school. The first bell rang just as Peter walked in and sat down. There was someone new sitting next to him. "Hey, you're Johnny, right?" he asked, looking at the teen, who looked a lot like Steve (Y'all probably hate me for saying that). "Oh, yeah... you must be Peter?" he questioned. "Yeah, my sister told me about you... you know her? Her name is Sue. Blonde hair, about this tall," he gestured her hight with his hands.

Peter nodded, his heart palpitating. He noticed his hands were getting sweaty and wiped them off on his pants. For the rest of the class, all Peter could think about was Johnny and how attractive he was.


"Oh. My God, have you met Johnny Storm yet?" Peter asked MJ and Ned as he sat down at their usual lunch table, placing his lunch tray down. "I actually think that he's a gift from Heaven, like actually. He's the definition of perfect. Like, if I looked up the word 'perfect' in the dictionary, his picture would pop up," he gushed. "Somebody's crushing," MJ said in a singsong way. She playfully punched Peter's arm.

"Oh my God, there he is! Wait, no, he's walking over toward me!" Peter buried his head in his arms. "Can I sit here," Johnny asked, pointing to an empty chair. Ned nodded, watching the dirty-blond put his lunch tray down.

"Hey, Peter," he said, giving a slight hand wave to his chemistry partner. "Oh, um, guys, this is Johnny, Johnny this is Ned and MJ. We have chemistry together." Peter realized what he said and mentally slapped himself. "Hey, guys," Johnny said, giving them a slight head nod. MJ looked at him, with a smirk on her face.

Peter kicked her shin under the table which in turn made MJ hit Peter's shoulder. Johnny was too absorbed in his phone to notice. Thank God for phones Peter thought to himself. Once the bell had rung, Peter finally built up the courage to ask Johnny for his number. For homework purposes, of course. Only homework purposes, he told himself.

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