Chapter 2 - Bucky

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A/N: Bucky has short hair like in CA:TFA

Peter hadn't seen Bucky in a month due to living at school, so when Thursday came around, he was overly excited. Due to Martin Luthor King Jr. day, everyone was buzzing about having a three day weekend. He sat in class, propping his head on his arm, his leg absentmindedly bouncing.

After what seemed like forever, the bell rang letting their long weekend begin. Peter ran to his locker, shoving books, binders, and notebooks in his backpack. Once he was done, he ran outside, checking his phone to see which one of his dads was picking him up.

Steve: Tony is picking u up at 3:30

Peter groaned, pulling out his headphones. He actually didn't hate Tony, it's just the fact that he had driven a wedge in between his biological fathers, driving them apart. He pulled the headphone cord under his shirt and started playing music.

An orange Lamborghini pulled up, the passenger window rolling down. AC/DC streamed out of the car. "Hey, Peter," Tony said, smiling at his stepson. "You wanna put your bag in the trunk?" He pushed a button and the trunk opened up. Peter threw his bag in the trunk and closed it shut, harder then he meant too. "Careful, there, Spiderling," Tony teased, letting out a soft chuckle. He reached out toward the volume knob and turned down the music.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Ugh, stop! That's so..." he drifted off, not knowing what to say. "So... how was school?" Tony asked awkwardly. "Nailed my engineering test and didn't do as well on my physics but whatever. I'm not gonna become a physicist anytime soon."

"I can help you with physics, when I was at MIT, I was top of my class," the older man said. The car pulled into the garage and as soon as it had stopped, Peter jumped out, grabbed his bag, and raced inside. "Um, okay, that'd be great," the teen awkwardly said.

Steve was sitting on the couch, reading To Kill A Mockingbird, a book that was highly recommended to him after he had been discovered in the ice. "Dad, where's Pops?" Peter asked walking over to the blond. "He's coming over to get you in," he checked his watch. "An hour."

Tony came in, carrying a bag of groceries. He closed the door behind him, setting his keys and wallet on the kitchen island. He put the groceries away and then walked over to his husband, planting a kiss on his lips and sitting down next to him.

"How was work today, babe?" Steve asked the brown-haired man. "It was good, y'know... the usual," he replied. Peter left the two men, heading up to his room and began packing a small duffel bag. 3 days... I'll need 3 pairs of pants, shirts, underwear, a hoodie... he thought to himself as he gathered all the items he needed and placed them in the bag.

Once he was done, he brought it downstairs, setting it near the back door. "I made you a snack," Tony said, holding out a plate with cheese, carrots, and hummus. Peter took the plate and awkwardly ate in silence as his stepdad sat next to him at the counter.

Tony pulled out what appeared to bee a piece of glass the size of a phone. He turned it on and a video was projected in midair, showing Peter in a red and blue hoodie swinging in to save a man from being hit by a truck. "Y'know, with your Dad's permission," he gestured over toward the couch with Steve. He lowered his voice, "I could help you make a suit and you could become an Avenger."

Peter's eyes widened. "You'd do that? Really? Whoa... an Avenger..." he pictured himself along with his dad and aunt and uncles. The back door opened and in came two men, one with a short faded haircut and metal arm and the other man, tall and slender with greying hair.

Peter looked up, almost falling off the stool he was sitting on. "Pops!" he cried happily. He ran over to the super soldier hugging him tightly. "I missed you, kiddo," the brunette whispered into Peter's hair. "I missed you too, Pops," he replied, his voice muffled in his dad's shirt.

"Hey, Stephen," Peter said to the other man, giving him a quick wave. "Bucky," Steve said, walking over to his ex and giving him a hug.

"Hey, punk. How're things?" he patted his former spouse on the back. The tension was thick enough to cut enough with a knife. "Stephen," Steve said, giving him a loose one-armed hug.

"Hello, Steve," Stephen replied. Peter ran back upstairs to his room to check he hadn't left anything behind. All of a sudden, Peter's breathing got heavy. He clutched his heart, stumbling backward onto his bed.

Tony, who was walking by the kid's room, saw him and rushed in. "Hey, Peter, are you okay?" he asked, concerned. He pulled the kid to his feet and into a tight hug. "I- uh- um- I," the boy stuttered. "Look at that wall and breathe in slowly... slower than that," he commanded. "That's it... in... out... in... out..." Peter slowly released his tight hug from the man, shaking.

"Are you okay?" Tony asked, sitting on the bed. "Yeah, I just- I- I- it's just that Dad and- it's so awkward," he replied, playing with his hoodie strings and avoiding eye contact. "I know, champ. It was awkward for me and Steve when your Pops and Stephen got married," he chuckled.

"I've had my share of panic attacks, too. But," he said, standing up, "feel free to talk to me about anything, including stuff like this." He left the room with Peter following him, going back downstairs.

When they got downstairs, there was yet another man down there who Peter had only heard about but already knew him: Dr. Bruce Banner. "Hey, Peter," the man said, extending his hand so Peter could shake it. The man looked to be in his late 40s and was wearing a blue checkered button-up with a pair of tan khakis.

"Bruce!" the brown-haired teen gushed. "Looks like you have a fan, Bruce," Steve grinned, lightly clapping his son on the back. Bruce smiled at Peter. "So, what courses are you taking this year? You're a sophomore, is it?" the scientist asked him. "Yeah... Um, I'm taking chemistry, geometry, engineering, physics, English, and American history," the boy blushed, rocking on the balls of his feet.

"Oh, that's awesome! You know, back in the day, your dad, er- stepdad and I were great together in science," the dark-haired man said. "We still are great at science, he's more into physics and me more into mechanical engineering," Tony interrupted.

"Chemistry's my worst class," Peter admitted, pulling on his hoodie strings. "Like, if I didn't have it, my GPA would be sky high."

"Well, here's some free tutoring in chem," Bruce chuckled, his arms spread open.

Peter's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out to see a string of text notifications from a group chat between him, Ned and MJ.

Ned: dude, there's a new kid coming to school
MJ: yeah, i overheard mr jonson and mrs friedman talk about it. his name is johnny storm
Peter: yeah, i heard that too. hes in my chemistry class. i checked the roster of my class
MJ: hes an interesting kid... i checked him out on facebook. his sister is pretty cute
Ned: 😏
MJ: screw you, ned

Peter chuckled, putting the device back in his pocket. Steve handed Peter a bottle of pills; for when his Spider-sense was dialed to an 11. He took the pills and put that in his other pocket, the one his phone wasn't in.

"You ready to go, kiddo?" Bucky asked, picking up his son's duffel bag. "Yeah," he replied. The teen ran over to Steve and hugged him tightly. "Bye, Dad. I love you," he muffled into his dad's chest.

Steve bent his neck down so his face was buried in the teen's hair. "I love you too, kiddo. Have a great time with dad," he whispered, the warm air of his breath tickled Peter. He squirmed away, laughing.

"Bye, Tony," he added, standing still then making his way over to him, giving the man a hug. Over Peter's shoulder, Tony looked at Steve and grinned ear to ear.

Steve stood there, shocked his son wanted anything to do with the man. He normally ranted on and on how much he disliked Tony but there they were: hugging.

Peter waved goodbye to Bruce and then lifted his backpack into his left shoulder and walked out of the house, followed by his dad and his husband.

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