Chapter 4 - Johnny

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It was Saturday morning and Peter woke up to his phone vibrating. He rolled over onto his side, blindly groping around for it on his nightstand. He found it and looked at the texts he got.

Johnny: did u do the chem hw yet? if u have can u help me?
Peter: you can come over and I can help you if you want
Johnny: ok, i can come over @ 11

He smiled stupidly and put his phone back on the nightstand. He looked at his clock which read 10:14. He pulled himself out of bed, got dressed and then headed downstairs. "Hey, Dad, I have a uh, um, a friend coming over at 11ish.. if that's okay..." his voice trailed off, as he shifted uncomfortably.

"That's fine by me," the super soldier said, reaching up in a cupboard for a box of cereal. He took out a box of Cheerios and poured some in a bowl, followed by some milk. Stephen walked in from downstairs, pulling a t-shirt on. "Hey Peter," he said, giving the boy a firm clap on the back. Peter made himself a piece of toast, buttered it and then sat down at the counter to eat it.

Peter's phone vibrated on the counter. He reached over to it, picking it up and tapping into it.

Johnny: 2 minutes away

Peter felt his heart race as he got up to put his dish in the sink. He tapped back into his phone scrolling through Twitter, looking at Johnny's Tweets. The doorbell rang and Peter almost fell off his stool.

He raced to the door, flinging it open to be face to face with the dirty-blond teenager. "Hey, Johnny," he said awkwardly, staring into his blue eyes. "You gonna let me in or did I just drive see you standing in your front door?" Johnny teased. Peter laughed at Johnny, moving out of the way. "So uh, you're a part of the Fantastic Four," Peter said, leading Johnny upstairs to his room.

"Yeah... well- not technically... Sue says "I'm too young" or whatever." He made air quotes with his hands and rolled his eyes. "Like, I have powers and whatever," he snapped his fingers, causing the tip of his thumb to catch on fire.

Peter stared at the kid's thumb in awe. "I mean, I'm technically an Avenger but not really because Dads would go ballistic if they Tony would allow me to be one," the boy said, opening his binder and pulling out their chemistry homework.

"Let's get this shit over with, shall we?" Peter asked, a slight grin on his face. Johnny lets out a small chuckle before lying down on his stomach on the floor and pulling his binder out of his backpack.

Much to Peter's surprise, it took the pair no longer than thirty minutes to finish the work. Peter got up off the floor and went into his bathroom, returning with a glass of water.

Johnny stood up and sat on Peter's king-sized bed, man-spreading. "Close your legs, whore," Peter laughed at him, putting his glass down on his nightstand and sitting next to him. Johnny let out a soft chuckle and rested his head on Peter's shoulder, then did something Peter would only dream about: Johnny nibbled on Peter's earlobe.

Peter felt his heart beat faster as Johnny's lips moved over to meet Peter's and they started kissing. It was only lightly at first but then Johnny wrapped a hand around Peter's head and pulled him into a tighter kiss. Peter smiled a bit as he felt the older teen's tongue slip down his throat, fighting for control.

Peter felt a hand ride up his thigh, squeezing it ever so slightly until it reached his belt line. Johnny started peeling the young Avengers shirt off his body, breaking their locked lips for only a few seconds.

They were now lying down on the bed as Peter let out a small moan when Johnny's kisses moved down his to his chest, anchoring onto one of his nipples. Peter closed his eyes and felt Johnny's weight center on top of him, the weight of them making them sink deeper into the bed.

The pair rolled around on the bed, fighting for who got top and who got bottom until they fell to the carpeted floor with a thud. "Peter?" Stephen called. "Are you okay?"

Peter's heart raced in panic, scared that his stepdad would come in. "Uh, yeah, sorry... Everything's okay!" he called back, releasing his lips from Johnny's. Peter stood up, opening his door and looking left and right before closing it.

"Scared?" Johnny grinned from the floor. "Shuddup and kiss me, baby boy," Peter replied, a slight smile on his face. Johnny stood up and pinned the younger boy against the wall, the sound of their wet lips making a suctioning sound, which eggs both boys on.

Peter felt a solid weight rub against his crotch, making his eyes fly open. He attempted to speak but found Johnny's tongue back down his throat the second his mouth opened. The height of pleasure rushes through the younger teen in rapid succession, so he chases it by continuing to grind against the other boy.

"You're too kind," Johnny says, muffled from his tongue in Peter's throat. The weight of what just happened crashed down on Peter just as quickly as it occurred.

Shit. Did Johnny notice? He opened his eyes, glad to see Johnny's were closed. He pushed the older teen away, turning around and looking at the crotch of his black jeans to see the stain. Shit, Peter thought. Dad's gonna kill me.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Peter woke up, an arm over him. An arm that wasn't his. He shot up in bed, panicked, and then saw that the arm belonged to Johnny. "Come back here, babe," Johnny whined, his eyes still closed. He groped around until his hand reached Peter's waist and pulled him back down. Peter's heart raced as he looked at his watch. 5:38 PM. Johnny forced Peter to lay on his side, forcing Peter to be the little spoon.

Shit. Peter thought. Did Dad see me and Johnny? Fucking hell if he did... Peter looked at his phone: nothing except some Twitter notifications about stupid celebrities doing stupid things. Johnny sighed at kissed Peter's bareback. "I luff you," he muffled. Peter sat up, putting his arm around Johnny's shoulder. "I love you too, Match Stick," he whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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