Thin Ice

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When Wally entered the hospital he was immediately directed to the OR ward.

It was... nauseating.

The walls were a striking white, the kind that's so bright you want to claw your eyes out.

It smelled so stale and the lights were as bright as the walls.

He shuffled on his feet and looked around quickly, nervously swallowing.

He noticed a staff desk and timidly walked to it, feeling as if every step was him marching to his room after being grounded.

That would be better than this.

"Uh, excuse me ma'am? I was told to come here. My friend was rushed here and I'm guessing he's in surgery?"

The nurse looked up briefly before looking back down to the computer.

"And what's your friend's name, sir?"

"Uh, Richard Grayson."

The nurse's hands hovered over the keys before her face paled.

"Oh yes... he was just wheeled in for emergency surgery."

Wally suddenly felt faint.

"E-emergency? Well... how is he? I mean-- didn't the doctors say anything?!"

She hesitated before quickly glancing away.

"His... his condition is very serious but of course they are going to do everything they can to--"

"Ma'am please, just tell me straight. And please don't sugar-coat anything. Please."

She sighed before giving him a look of both sympathy and just pure sadness.

"They told me that... that given the conditions, he should already be dead."

Sweat dripped down the doctor's forehead as he quickly worked to clean the wounds.

It was worse than it looked.

The cuts were so precise... so deep.

They were definitely going to need stitches.

Fine. After all, they were already here.

He finished wiping away the rest of the dried blood, the paramedics managed to stop most of the bleeding on the way over, and glanced at his assistants.

One was standing near him in case he needed help, the other was managing his blood bag, and the last one was monitoring his vitals.

He returned his attention back to his patient, he was preparing to start on the stitches.

For a while everything was fine.

Those in the room started to relax, he was on the last few stitches when the assistant monitoring his vitals suddenly took in a sharp breath.

"James, his blood pressure and heart rate are starting to drop!"

The doctor looked up, startled but maintained steady hands in order to finish.

"I don't understand-- he's been fine the whole time!"

"Increase his oxygen intake!"

"...ready the defibrillator!"

I know. It's short.

It's also been a long time.

But it's my way to drag this book on a bit.

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