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Before we begin we're just going to pretend Barbara never became paralyzed. Okay? Okay.

Dick watched the sunrise from Heaven, something he had done every morning since he died.

They were always beautiful on Earth.

But watching it happen from here...

It was... amazing.

But today was special.

His smile couldn't be broken as he looked down at Gotham.

Today's the day! She's finally bringing her home!

His attention was on a new house, just outside of Gotham yet still considered to be within the city's limits.

It was a simple but lovely home.

Two bedrooms, two bathrooms.

A yard and a big, finished basement.

He considered it perfect.

It was Barbara's new home, and it was finished just in time.

Because that second bedroom, was set up for a baby girl.

Today is the day... for a new beginning.

Dick's parents and his uncle came up to watch beside him as a car pulled into the driveway.

Jim was the first to come out from the driver's side.

He was beaming and he opened the back passenger door and immediately started cooing over what was inside.

Barbara quickly got out as well and joined her father, a few small tears escaped her eyes.

But to Dick, that was okay.

Because they were happy tears.

She reached inside the car and picked up a little pink bundle.

Dick sighed, she was simply perfect.

She sure was a cute little thing.

Shiny blonde hair and adorable chocolate eyes.

She was only a month old, and yet one of the luckiest babies he'd ever seen.

The poor little thing was abandoned at the hospital, just hours after being born. He saw it happen. And it crushed him that he couldn't do anything about it.

But luckily, the nurses and doctors weren't about to let her be unloved.

She was kept in the hospital for a week before she was given to the adoption agency.

Now normally, she would have been given a room right away in the facility.

But the agency had other plans, there was a young woman who had been trying for a little over a year now to adopt a little girl.

That young woman was Barbara.

And it seemed to the agency that this little girl needed a new mother.

And after reviewing Barbara's qualifications once more, she was approved.

Jim opened the front door of the house for her and they immediately went to the nursery.

It was a good sized room, with a large bay window.

The color scheme was mainly dark blues and purple... for obvious reasons.

And above her crib, her name was spelled in shiny blue letters.


Her name was definitely a good one, because she would help bring peace to her new mother. And everyone else for that matter...

After a while Jim left Barbara and her daughter alone, rocking peacefully in the rocking chair.

Now he could go.

He wasn't entirely sure how it happened, but he would desperately imagine himself somewhere...

And when he opened his eyes he would be there.

Not alive of course.

He would be what one would call a 'spirit'.

Or perhaps an angel.

But unlike some others, he wasn't trapped.

He could stay as long as he wanted and always return to Heaven.

And you can bet he took advantage of that.

He went to Barbara's side and quickly took a look around the room, nodding in satisfaction.

It was perfect.


He jolted in surprise before turning back to her.

"I don't know if you can hear me. But... I want you to look after her. I hope you don't mind but I consider you her father..."

Mind? That's what I wanted to hear!

She carefully got up from the chair and crossed the room to the crib, humming softly to Serenity.

She gently kisses her forehead before setting her down in the crib.

Dick watched her for a moment before walking towards her and wrapping an arm around her.

Now, she couldn't see him. But maybe she could feel him. Because she smiled when he touched her.

Barbara held Serenity's hand while Dick gave her a quick kiss on the head.

When she turned to leave he watched her longingly until she closed the door.

For the first time since... it happened... he feels regretful.


He turns back to Serenity.

She was lightly sleeping when Barbara set her in the crib.

But she was awake now.

And staring right at him.

Dick raised an eyebrow in thought before raising up his hand and waving it in front of her face a few times.

Her eyes followed his hand exactly.

A large grin broke out across his face.

Oh yeah, she was a special one.

He bent down and kissed her on the forehead, mimicking Barbara's previous actions.

Serenity blinked but then gave him the biggest smile and a little giggle.

Any regret he had left him. At least he could still have a family, after all he thought he was going to give that up.

Guess not. Or at least... not completely.

"... you'll get along just fine with Miles. Hopefully he doesn't inherit Wally's speed. If he does... then I feel sorry for Artemis."

He chuckled and Serenity giggled along with him.

"Be a good girl for your mommy. And I'll be keeping an eye on you little lady... I love you sweetheart."

He gave her one more kiss before disappearing into the light that shone through the window.

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