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Wally was pacing around the waiting room, it's been two hours since he arrived.

He know he should be doing something else, calling people...

But he just couldn't think straight right now.

He sat down heavily in a chair and glanced at the nurse at the desk.

She was looking at him worriedly.

When she noticed he was staring back she quickly turned her attention back to the computer screen.

She knows more than she's letting on...

He was about to get back up to confront her again before an announcement rang through the room.

"Code Blue. Code Blue. All available personnel report to the operating room, immediately."

((Code Blue means someone is coding, cardiopulmonary arrest.))

Wally's eyes widened.

Dick was the only one in surgery...

Wally practically leapt out of his chair and started heading towards the OR.

"Sir please, you are not allowed in there!"

"Oh bullsh--"

"You will only get in the way of the med team."

He sighed and turned around to glare at her, but he knew she was right.

Going in there right now would only make things worse.

He sighed through his nose and looked over to a payphone.

Calls... he had to make those calls anyways.


His bare chest shook but nothing else happened.

"Increase the voltage!"

An electric sound echoed across the room for a second.


His chest jumped again.

But no heart activity was documented.

"One more time! Increase the voltage again!"

Another whirring sound was heard before Dick's chest shook again.

All heads turned to the monitors.


Just straight lines, and a shrill beep.

"Zero brain activity..."

James looked at the face of his patient, a tear rolled down his cheek.

It was silent for a moment before he gently removed the oxygen mask from his face, letting his head loll back gently.

One of the nurses shook her head sadly before grabbing a clipboard and pen.

She glanced at the clock before writing something down.

"Time of death... 1:03pm."

The assistants started disconnecting the machines while James took a white sheet and slowly covered the body.

"...does he have any family here?"

The nurse shook her head.

"But... there is a friend. Wally West, I believe."

James nodded.

"I'll take him to the private room to tell him. Get his body ready to show him."

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