Uncovered Relic

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March 13 2019: 9k views.

Chara POV

Chirp, chirp. My eyes open sharply, and I recognize the interior of the room I was in as my own room. I didn't have any strange dream again last night, for which I was thankful. I feel the sheets on top of me shift as I sit up, and I look down seeing extra must have been placed on me somehow. Looking around, I couldn't find Asriel anywhere in sight, as I let out a small sigh. I was hoping to wake up next to him today.

Pulling myself out of bed against my own will, I stumble around a bit and give my arms a stretch, yawning in the process. It was likely just going to be another day of doing whatever I could deem entertaining, not much I could think of off the top of my head. It just then struck me how little activity goes on in the neighborhood most the time. Welp, better get ready. I head straight downstairs with a grumble in my stomach, just wanting to get a good breakfast meal.

Making a beeline towards the kitchen, I scan the area in search of something to eat. Swiftly heading towards the pantry I was disappointed that many food items were gone, seeing that nobody had bothered to go shopping for a while. Having limited choices, I went to grab a bowl with the intent of pouring some cereal. Not the start I was hoping for. Sitting down at the counter, I eat slowly thinking about what to do today. As far as I knew, the neighborhood was becoming the most quiet it's ever been in months.

It was seemingly like the perfect place for me, a quiet summer. But even I sometimes got a little riled up by the lack of activity. I wanted to do something fun for once, and it baffled me how Asriel barely ever left the town. Having finished with the bowl of cereal I got up to put it in the sink. Feeling somewhat more awake now, I decided I might find something to do to cure the boredom that looked over me.

I open the door to the outside world, already feeling the warm breezes make themselves familiar with me. I didn't know where I wanted to go, but a walk felt like a nice way for me to clear my mind. The neighborhood had looked the same as ever for as long as I could remember. As I walked on the sidewalk, I began to think back to the times where we had just escaped the underground to be introduced to the surface once again. It was a happy experience as I remembered seeing the new settlers help each other as the houses and structures were slowly built.

I let out a sigh, unsure of what had happened to the place. To me it was still a great place, but so many monsters and people alike have moved away the past few months, and it felt as if a once thriving neighborhood was dying. However I tried to stay optimistic about the whole situation, remembering also that everyone I cared about was here, with me. It's what Asriel would want. I reassured myself of this, I could almost picture the conversation in my head of him telling me not to worry.

I kept walking towards the end of the street, passing house after house. I would occasionally see a TV on through a window, or someone out in their backyard, and it always felt reassuring to know that I didn't live in a ghost town. I had been lost in my own little world, and I heard a voice seem very distant calling out to me. I looked around as I regained my senses, cursing myself for being so easily distracted.

"Chara!" I blinked, and then turned my head towards the source of the noise. It had come from a yellow monster in a lab coat, standing in front of a white-colored modern styled home. Huh, Alphys? I turn to face her, and she waves her hands. I shrugged my shoulders and decided to go over to her, I was unsure of what exactly she wanted. As she comes into clearer view, Alphys then speaks out to me again. "Erm- You are looking for Asriel aren't you?" Scratching my head, I honestly wasn't exactly sure if that were the case, but I nodded my head anyways.

"Uh, yeah. He kinda went off before I woke up without saying anything." Alphys stood in silence for a second, and then motioned to the white modern home. "He stopped by a little while back, he's still here. I'm not sure if this is any of my business but- He asked me some... Bizarre questions." That definitely peaked my interest. Asriel didn't mention anything about needing to find anything out, it was oddly suspicious he was acting like this now. "Okay, thanks Alphys. Do you mind if I..."

[Discontinued] Pursuit of Happiness (Chara x Asriel)Where stories live. Discover now