Old Wounds

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10/2/20: 20k views, god damn. Love you all. 10/31/20: 21k

Asriel POV:

As I felt Chara curled up next to me, I had turned the page of the very old book, curious as to what lied inside it. It was obviously about humans in the underground since a previous date of the barrier's destruction, but I couldn't help but be concerned as the whether this would truly show me what I needed to know or not. After rereading the note that this Gaster author had left behind, I began to delve into the words written on the aged papers. This book didn't seem to have any table of contents whatsoever, so I'd just have to look through the whole thing the old fashioned way. 

I began to read the book aloud to Chara, who I knew wouldn't fall asleep for something like this. "Ever since the war that had occurred one hundred and eighty years ago between monsters and the humans, there has been interest regarding their race, albeit mostly out of spite." I looked to the side of the page, and saw a finely drawn illustration of what appeared to be a human adult, dressed in very old clothing. Chara had lifted her head up to look at the page, specifically at the mentioning of the word spite. 

"Although for very long monster-kind had seeked revenge against the human race, this did not mean that every encounter was particularly violent. In fact, had the war never taken place on Mount Ebott, I would have never been able to collect such valuable information." I looked over to Chara, she didn't really seem to be into learning whoever this author was and their intentions. "Is something wrong?" Shaking her head towards me, Chara insists it's not a big deal for her at this point. "Don't worry Azzy, you know me, I'm just waiting for the good stuff to come."

Nodding my head, I read the next paragraph aloud. "Given permission by the king of the underground himself, I have been... Experimenting with had remained of the six souls collected from humans who have passed away here." Something clicked in my head when I read it. I knew of the souls and their traits, all unique in personality and color. Bravery, integrity, justice, kindness, patience, perseverance, and lastly, determination. The only reason that I had ever known of their existence is because a little over a year ago, I had foolishly tried to use them to gain a new form entirely. But one thing wasn't clear... Why had only six been listed when there were seven?

Chara also seemed intrigued by the mentioning of the seven- Well, six souls, and wasn't silent about it at all. "He says he experimented with them? Must have been some really smart scientist alright... Do you think that this means this Gaster dude knew about these people before they deceased?" That definitely was a possibility, although it didn't seem to likely to have happened. Shrugging my shoulders, I watch her lay back down as she spoke in a smug tone. "Okay, continue please." I couldn't help but let a laugh escape me from Chara's humor. 

Flipping the page, I saw some more illustrations of what appeared to hearts, and I raised a brow. Not organic hearts, but rather the cartoony types. I already knew what it had represented, the human soul. I feel Chara lift her head up a bit, taking a good look at the pictures before speaking. "I remember what it was like when my soul was exposed," I come eye to eye with her, she typically did not speak of the underground very much, and for good reasons, we had memories we wanted to keep locked down there and not come back to light. "It was a bizarre feeling, I never believed in magic as a kid... Well, not until I first saw my red soul beating brightly in the underground. So you could imagine my shock." 

I nodded, and thought back very hard to my time in the underground. Not as that wretched monster Flowey, but rather, my true self before tragedy struck us both. I saw it in person myself actually- The day where she had first fallen from Mount Ebott into the underground. She knew what I was thinking of too, and she gave a pained smile. "Do you remember when we first met, Asriel?" I gave a small smile back, whispering a barely audible yes. The memories were so clear, like they had happened yesterday. "Remember how I had been terrified you would try to kill me? How my soul had been vulnerable to you? Yet... You believed there was good in me."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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