Chapter 11

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Jamie put his hand on his forehead and tossed the spray can to the side with the other. He took a few steps back to take in his artwork. It was a mural of me on the side of a dance academy. My face seemed to be looking into the distance my green eyes seemed serious, but my smile was kind. My hazel brown hair seemed to dance in the wind dramatically. In the corner of the mural were the black words: "We live on through others" Once again he's stealing my lines, sigh. Jamie looked down at his watch and inhaled sharply. "I'm an idiot I'm going to be late for class" Jamie shoved the spray cans in his black book bag and rushed away. Even though he had been going to physical therapy for his leg Jamie was still half limping. School had just begun again and Jamie was able to attend the art college he wanted. Now he was going to be late to his first class. Time got away from him when he was drawing. The art school was big and had glass and lights hanging from the ceiling. Student masterpieces were displayed all around campus. Jamie's brown converse hit the glossy wooden floor hard echoing in the halls. Jamie looked down at his watch again and his face looked panicked. He was so focused on getting to class on time he didn't notice the short brunette in the green "Ragnor Lives" T-shirt rushing just as fast as he was. "Jamie watch out!" I yelled. Her head hit his chest and she almost fell to the ground before Jamie caught her by her forearms. Her books all fell to the floor and she stared at them with intense sadness. The girl lifted her head full of bronze curls and her cheeks turned ruby "I'm so sorry" she said. Jamie let her go once she caught her balance and said, "It's alright accidents happen, I'm Jamie, are you ok?" She knelled on the floor rushing to pick up all her books and Jamie bent down to help. "I'm Ali, thanks for catching me" she said in a way that made me wonder if this type of thing happened to her often. Jamie met her eyes for the first time. They were the same color green as leaves in the summer time that burn brilliant and bright. Jamie looked back down at the books he was picking up and I saw his mouth twitched slightly at the corners. He reached down to pick up the last book and paused "A Million Pieces by Lucy Ridge, huh? How are you liking it so far?" Ali took the book and her face lit with passion as she said, "It's such an amazing book this girl has so many things to say and she's so easy to relate to." She looked down at her light blue vans and said, "It's too bad I could never meet her, but I know I'd want to meet the boy she was in love with she made him seem like one of a kind." Jamie chuckled, if only this girl knew. Jamie is one of a kind he knew I wanted my journal to be published and he published it for me. I was so happy when they started selling it at bookstores and people actually enjoyed reading it. The thoughts of a teenage girl and everyone ran fast to get a copy, it was quite flattering. "Sorry I'm rambling it's just if I could meet a person as good as that..." Ali trailed off as if she didn't even know herself what would happen. "It's alright I can get passionate too sometimes, especially with books and art, it's totally understandable" Jamie put a hand to grip the back of his neck and looked down at her. Awkward silence followed. Don't you have class to get to, Jamie? He looked down at his watch then remembered "Oh well I have to go see you later I'll be late for class" he said turning to walk away. Before he left Ali grabbed hold of his arm, "Hey you said you read books t-the book club is looking for new recruits and I was w-wondering if you might want to you know come." She handed him a piece of yellow crumbled paper which he took with a smile. Once he was out of distance Ali put a hand under her chin and whispered to herself, "Since when do I stutter?" I smiled sweetly, this girl might be falling for my boyfriend. Well I guess he isn't my boyfriend anymore. I shut my eyes at the memory of what I once had, yet when I opened them again I looked into one of the art works made by a student. It was a collection of mirrors all reflecting me, but now my blouse had grown into a yellow gown that flowed in the same direction as my hair. I guess I was wrong it's not just Jamie who had to let things go, it was also me. I had to let go of the person I could've been and accept my fate. Now as I am ready to let go of everything- even white rabbits- I realize something. When we are born we already start to effect everyone around us. It's a little bit like there's a million little pieces of us and as we live on each person we meet gets one of those pieces. Therefore, we are in everything and everyone no matter how big or small the piece.

Chapter photo by : YoongiJungKookie

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